Creating Games in Mathematics

Year 12 Mathematics class MAST14 recently took part in the Hour of Code challenge, an international movement designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of computer science through engaging, hands-on coding activities. The initiative aims to demystify programming and highlight that anyone can learn the basics of coding. Beyond just writing code, students develop higher order thinking skills, including problem-solving, logical reasoning, analytical thinking, computational thinking, communication, and collaboration.


As part of the challenge, students followed a guided tutorial to create their own interactive computer games using Scratch, a beginner-friendly visual programming language. This hands-on approach allowed them to see firsthand how mathematical and computational concepts come together to form a working digital application. Once they built their initial games, they were encouraged to modify and expand on their projects, incorporating new features and experimenting with creative ideas.


It was inspiring to see students take ownership of their learning, with some designing highly advanced and innovative game mechanics beyond the basic tutorial. This experience not only strengthened their understanding of logical structures and algorithms but also sparked enthusiasm for coding—an essential skill in today's digital world.


By integrating game development into Mathematics, students gained valuable exposure to computational thinking while applying their problem-solving skills in an exciting and interactive way. This activity showcased how coding and mathematics go hand in hand, reinforcing key concepts through creativity and innovation.


Kumie Pather - Technology / STEM / Mathematics Teacher

Mathematics Tutorials Are Up and Running at Wyndham

The mathematics tutorials at Wyndham College have officially kicked off, and we are thrilled with the enthusiasm and participation from our students! This week, we had an amazing turnout of 18 students, all eager to strengthen their mathematical skills and gain extra support in a friendly and focused learning environment.


Held every Monday afternoon, these tutorials are designed to help students build confidence, improve problem-solving techniques, and prepare for upcoming assessments. With the guidance of our dedicated mathematics teachers – Rohit, Kumie, Shubham, and Satendra – students receive personalised assistance tailored to their learning needs.


Whether it’s mastering algebra, refining calculus techniques, or simply seeking clarification on challenging concepts, these sessions offer a fantastic opportunity for all students to excel in mathematics. We encourage even more students to join in the coming weeks and take advantage of this valuable resource.


A big thank you to our teachers and students for making the first session a success. See you all next Monday.


When - Every Monday afternoon 

Where - C04 

Time – 3pm – 4pm


Let’s keep the momentum going and make a great success for Mathematics at Wyndham.


Rohit Prakash - Head Teacher Mathematics and Computing (Rel)