
Swimming Carnival

The weather was perfect and the atmosphere was fantastic for our annual swimming carnival that was held on Tuesday 18th February.

There were so many great moments of sportsmanship shown by our students, from cheering on their peers to stepping up to swim in another teams relay.

We would like to say a massive thank you the wonderful timekeepers and people on the ribbon table, without you our carnival could not go ahead.

Also, a massive shout out to the Swimming Club for all your help with setting up, to Haley Hausfeld for all the amazing photos, to Lou Whitton who took charge of the timekeepers and kept the day running smoothly, to Heidi Hardaker and Lisa Steele for keeping the recording under control and last but not least to our amazing staff and Jess Stevenson for all of her behind the scenes work.


Congratulations to Maria Goretti for winning both the Championship Trophy and the Participations Trophy.


Congratulations to the 2025 Age Champions:

12 Year Girl ChampionChelsea Molenkamp
Runner-UpClare Grima
12 Year Boy ChampionArchie Goddard
Runner-UpJosh Jeffrey
11 Year Girl ChampionPippa Wark
Runner-UpGeorgina Grimm
11 Year Boy ChampionBanjo Fitzgerald
Runner-UpWyatt Shorter
10 Year Girl ChampionBelle Nichols
Runner-UpMatilda Ramien
10 Year Boy ChampionLewis Mainey
Runner-UpCampbell Denovan
9 Year Girl ChampionGeorgie Warmoll
Runner-UpMadelyn Whitton
9 Year Boy ChampionJimmy Fitzgerald
Runner-UpJock Knapman
8 Year Girl ChampionReggie Stewart
Runner-UpHarper Levett
8 Year Boy Champion

Jonty Nichols

Samuel Wark

Runner-UpJohn Finlay
6/7 Year Girl ChampionRosie Galton

Isla Barlow

Edwina Goddard

6/7 Year Boy ChampionJock Warmoll
Runner-UpDeuk Bergholcs

Cross Country

Consent forms are now available on Compass.

  • Infants Cross Country will be held on Friday 7th March at 9.00am at Kitchener Oval.
  • Primary Cross Country will be held on Friday 21st March at 9.00am at Kitchener Oval.