Religion and Parish News

Prayer for Confirmation Candidates

Holy Spirit,

Strengthen our students with your gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord, and serve as a disciple of Christ. Grant that they may grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ. Fill them with the joy of your presence. Increase in them the fruit of your Spirit. Help them to experience and trust your dwelling within so that they can count on your guidance today and every day. Show us the way to help one another become better disciples of Jesus Christ, sharing your love with our world and with each person we meet. Come, Holy Spirit! Come!




Fr Antony Visits Yr 1

On Thursday the 20th of February Fr Antony visited Yr 1. The class has been learning about Mark’s account of ‘Jesus and the Children’ (Mark 10:13-16) and how Jesus is someone who welcomes, loves and includes them. They have also been learning about Baptism and the key symbols and actions used in the Rite of Baptism. 


Thank you to Fr Antony for spending time with the students and answering their many different questions.

Important Dates:

Shrove Tuesday

Tuesday 4th March, stay tuned for more information regarding pancakes

Ash Wednesday Mass with St Mary’s College

9:15am, Wednesday 5th March, St Xaviers Hall


2025 St Joseph’s Parish Sacramental Program


Sunday 6th April, 9am, St Joseph’s Church Gunnedah

Parent Night Thursday 27th February, 6pm, at St Joseph’s Church (Week 5, Term 1)

Rite of Enrolment Saturday 1st March (6pm) OR Sunday 2nd March (8:30am), at St Joseph’s Church Gunnedah or Sacred Heart Boggabri

Rite 2 Reconciliation Thurs, 3rd April St Joseph’s Church at 11:40am

Retreat Day Thursday, 3rd April, St Xavier’s Primary School (Week 10, Term 1)

Confirmation to meet with Fr Abmar at 11:40am. BBQ lunch shortly after 12:30pm.


First Eucharist     

Sunday 1st June, 8:30am, St Joseph’s Church (The Ascension of the Lord)

Parent Night Thursday 1st May, 6pm, at St Joseph’s Church (Week 1, Term 2)

Rite of Enrolment Saturday 3rd May (6pm) OR Sunday 4th May (8:30am), at St Joseph’s Church Gunnedah or Sacred Heart Boggabri

Rite 2 Reconciliation Friday 30th May, 11.40am at St Joseph’s Church, Gunnedah (Week 5, Term 2)

Retreat Day Friday 30th May, St Xavier’s Primary School (Week 5, Term 2)

Rite 2 Reconciliation 11.40am St Joseph’s Church, BBQ lunch shortly after 12:30pm.


Altar Serving:

Commissioning Mass - Saturday 28th June (Boggabri) and Sunday 29th June (Gunnedah)

Parent Information and Session 1 - Tuesday 10th June

Session 2 - Tuesday 17th June

Session 3 - Tuesday 24th June


First Reconciliation

Tuesday 23rd September, 6pm, St Joseph’s Church (Week 10, Term 3) 

Parent Night Thursday 21st August, 6pm, at St Joseph’s Church (Week 5, Term 3)

Rite of Enrolment Saturday 23rd August (6pm) OR Sunday 24th August (8:30pm), at 

St Joseph’s Church Gunnedah or Sacred Heart Boggabri

Retreat Day Tuesday 23rd September, St Xavier’s Primary School (Week 10, Term 3)


Parish Bulletin

Please download the link to read the parish Bulletin.