Morning Routine
- School gates are opened at 8:30am for students and families to enter the school grounds. Before this, the school site can only be accessed by
- The school oval is not open before or after school for students, this are is not supervised and is often used by hire groups after school. These rules have been updated in line with the Supervision policy.
- School staff are on yard duty at 8:45am - 9:00am, students entering the grounds before 8:45am must be supervised by a parent or guardian due to child safety and duty of care requirements.
- Music will play 8:51am signalling that it is time for students to head to class
- The bell rings at 9:00am, by this time all students should already be inside ready to start the day. The role is marked on the bell.
- If students arrive at 9:01 or later, they must follow the late arrival process.
- The school gates are locked again at 9:10am
Late Arrivals
- Any student who arrives after the bell (9:00am) is late and must report directly to the office for a late pass
- Students will be provided a late pass at the office and can then make their own way to class
- As classes have started parents are not permitted to enter the classroom, but office or leadership staff are happy to escort any late students to class
After School Routine
- School gates are opened at 3:15pm for families to enter the school grounds. We ask that parents and carers do not enter the grounds before this, due to Child Safety Policies. Anyone on the grounds before 3:15pm must sign in at the office and have provide working with children's checks, unless an event is advertised.
- The bell will ring at 3:30pm and students will be dismissed from their class
- Families are given 15 minutes to exit the grounds. The gates are locked again at 3:45pm. As the school is hired out to multiple user groups after hours, the school is not open to the public after this time. By ensuring the public has all exited, these user groups can meet their Child Safety requirements.
Thanks to all families to supporting our drop off and pick up procedures.