Expectations and consequences for student behaviour
by The Principal Team
Expectations and consequences for student behaviour
by The Principal Team
We are pleased to report that the year has started positively with the behaviour of most students, and teachers new to the school have commented on how respectful and helpful our students are compared to other schools which is always good to hear!
We know that many teenagers are still learning how to self-regulate and can make poor impulsive decisions with regards to their actions and words to others, especially when there are differences of opinion or behaviours that annoy others. As a school we are focused on learning and growth.
It is important that we have the support of our parents and carers when it comes to responding to poor decisions by students. Some examples of student behaviour that we don’t accept in our community include:
any acts of unwanted physical contact including acts of aggression
racist/homophobic/sexist slurs
disrespectful and defiant behaviour towards staff.
Any student involved in a physical altercation will receive consequences ranging from removal from class activities, detentions, internal suspensions and external suspensions (depending on the severity and history of behaviour). We are very experienced in managing and addressing student behaviour and our processes are underpinned by a care for students, focus on learning and a restorative approach. We ask for trust and support from our parents when caring for over 1500 students each day to ensure that the school maintains high expectations of all students’ behaviour.
Students are informed that they need to talk to their Year Level Coordinator to report behaviours of concern or ongoing unwanted behaviour. We also ask that parents contact us if their children report ongoing antisocial behaviours in their classes or in the yard to help us with early intervention.
Families can find more information in the BHHS Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy.
The Principal Team