Music at BHHS
by Mr Thomas Williams, Head of Music
Music at BHHS
by Mr Thomas Williams, Head of Music
My name is Mr. Thomas Williams and in my first few weeks as Head of Music at Box Hill HS, we have been busy setting up lessons and rehearsals to continue running successful music making at our school.
Music has started back at BHHS stronger than ever! Our ensemble numbers are up from last year, and we have lots of new students starting a wide range of instruments.
We welcome two new staff – Mrs Imogen Willson on cello, and Mr Paul Hwang on violin. You will be able to see them around school on Fridays. We also welcome back Mr Grant Arthur and all of our regular fantastic staff.
For all families with students starting back instruments, remember that regular practice is the KEY element to experiencing success with music. Many parents want their child to do music in order to have the skill, to be able to express themselves, and to have fun. These are all the reasons musicians also continue with music. To ensure this success, please have your children start a regular practice routine from now. Small amounts of practice that happen regularly throughout the week will ensure that the body and brain start to form the synaptic pathways needed to help instrument coordination, as well as develop the ear.
Have a great start to the year, and look forward to hearing great music making very soon!