Language at BHHS

by Ms Dorothea Bruns, Languages Domain Leader

Welcome to a New Year of Language Learning at Box Hill High School!


The year has begun with great excitement for our students, and it’s fantastic to see everyone back from their travels, settling into their new classes, and speaking so much Chinese and German!


Highlights so far:


🎉 Chinese New Year – We wish everyone a happy and prosperous Year of the Snake! Take a look at some photos from our school's celebrations below.


🇩🇪 German Exchange Trip – Our students who travelled to Germany at the end of 2024 are already seeing how valuable the experience has been for their language and cultural learning. They’ve returned with even greater motivation! If you’d like to learn more about the trip, check out our school's Instagram or blog. Interested in joining the next exchange in 2026? Speak to your German teacher!


🎓 PASCH Scholarship – We are thrilled to offer a fully funded PASCH scholarship for a Year 10 German student to travel to Germany, sponsored by the Goethe-Institut. If you're curious about what it means to be part of a PASCH school, find out more here. We wish all our applicants all the best for the selection process. 


🌏 Welcoming Max from Germany – We’re excited to have Max with us for most of Term 1 as part of the BJR exchange program. Read on for Max and his host brother Phillip’s reflections on their experience so far. Want to learn more about the BJR exchange? Click here.


Here’s to a fantastic year of language learning! 🎉📚

Max and Phillip - German-Australian exchange

Hi there! Phillip here. I am participating in the German-Australian exchange program. This is a program where 1 student from Germany comes over to Australia and goes to the other exchange student’s school for approximately 10 weeks. They also live with their hosts family. It is also the other way around, as am going to school in Germany and living there with a family for 10 weeks also, at the end of this year.


The application process was quite a lengthy one, as everything needed to be suitable. I needed to fill out many forms that showed my interests and personal traits, which then the BJR (Company for student exchange) tried to match me up with a student from Germany, based on the information I gave. Another reason why it was a lengthy process is that I put in a special request to be with a friend I know, Max from Munich. Usually I would have been paired with another person participating in the exchange, but the special request worked and now Max goes to Box Hill High School.


Hi there! Max here. I’m the exchange student from Germany. I’m almost 16 years old. My hobbies are sports and participating in taekwondo competitions. I’ve been training for taekwondo for 6 years. Phillip's and my ‘story’ is that we were born in the same hospital in Munich on the same day. Our mothers have kept contact since then. I am currently enjoying my time in Australia.