Child Safe Standards

The Child Safe Standards commenced on 1 July 2022, replacing the Child Safe Standards that were established in 2016. There are 11 Child Safe Standards that aim to protect children and young people, by requiring organisations to put policies, procedures and processes in place to prevent and respond to abuse. The aim of these standards is to keep children and young people safe.
Child Safe Standard 4 - Family Engagement
Our school at a minimum will ensure:
- Families participate in decisions related to child safety and wellbeing which affect their child.
- There is engagement and open communication with families and the school community about the school’s child safe approach, and relevant information is accessible.
- Families and the school community have a say in the development and review of child safetyand wellbeing policies and practices.
A reminder that photos taken of other students during presentations should not be posted on social media platforms unless permission has been given by the other parties invovled.