
with Mrs Clarke

Welcome to Art @ ACPS 2025

Welcome to the artroom at ACPS!


So far in the artroom, we have enjoyed getting to know each other in our new classes and grade levels and commencing the art program for term 1. We have discussed our new school pillars of character, community, connection and curiosity and how these may be outworked specifically in the artroom.


Preps have began to be familiar with the art room, to know where things are, and to know what we do in this space. They began their art classes with adding colour and pattern to their name for their Visual Diary. They also drew an outlined portrait of themselves and painted the background around their self-portrait in vibrant colours of yellow or blue.

Students in grades 1 and 2 commenced their self-portraits by drawing and colouring themselves and cutting out the picture carefully together with a piece of black paper. They used this black shape to go behind their self-portrait shape, thus creating a shadow. They made a border using coloured mosaic square paper.

Grade 3 and 4 students made a 2D clay 'photo' frame and etched in their family. Once dried, their clay will go in the kiln to be bisque fired, and then students will glaze their clay with coloured glazes. Finally, it will go into the kiln for the 2nd firing before it is ready to be hung.

Our senior students in grades 5 and 6 began their self-portrait artwork by looking at pictures by Italian artist, Amedeo Modigliani. This artist famously painted people with elongated necks, oval faces, and small features such as eyes and mouths. Our students drew their self-portrait Modigliani-style.



Art Smocks

Many students have already brought in their art smock in to be stored in their class tub in the art room. Thank you!

 If your child has not yet brought their named art smock to school, please ensure they do so asap to protect their uniform when we're doing messy work with clay, paints, glaze etc.

Warrandyte Festival is back again this March

The Warrandyte Festival is taking place this year on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th March. 

 Our school will once again participate in the fabulous annual Saturday Street Parade, which will start at 10am. This year’s theme is 'TREEmendous' to reflect Warrandyte’s great relationship with our beautiful trees and their magnificent canopies. We will walk, ride, roll, dance, march or play our way from the Community Centre along Yarra Street to Stiggants Reserve. 


Jordan Adams (Lila's dad) is energised to coordinate our school's response to this theme this year. If you are keen to be involved in any way - big or small - offering ideas or helping make things - we would love to hear from you! Many hands make light and fabulous work! Please contact myself at and I will pass your details onto Jordan. 


On the Saturday 19th March, our school will assemble from 9.15am in Wonguim Wilam Park on Yarra Street. Please note that attendees consent to being photographed, filmed and sound recorded as part of the event.  We look forward to our school community being involved once again as our beautiful Warrandyte town is transformed into a leafy riot of colour, texture, music, movement and excitement during the Festival!  



Warrandyte Pottery Expo - this weekend!

Once again, the fabulous Warrandyte Pottery Expo is back. It will be held on the last weekend in February - Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd, along the river bank from 10am - 5pm. Lots of fun activities to do and see at this Expo.


Looking forward to a fun and creative term 1 in the art room with our fabulous students!


Julie Clarke