NAP News


Dates: The NAPLAN testing period for 2025 is the 12th - 24th of March. As schools are scheduling their assessments, please keep in mind that the order of the assessments is important.


Assessment Details: 

Year 3 students do a paper-based writing test (on day 1 only). It is recommended that Year 3 writing tests be completed by all classes at the same time in the morning.

Years 5, 7 and 9 writing must be scheduled on day 1, with day 2 only used where there are technical or logistical limitations.

Students must then complete tests in the order of Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. All of these assessments are digital. 


Access Details

Principals will receive an email with the details required to set up the Assessform platform and access for the NAPLAN Co-ordinators. Principal contact information has been updated by ACS staff.


Student details have been supplied to ACARA by ACS. These details are reflective of the enrolment snapshot taken from COMPASS on the 7/2/25. Any student enrolment changes in Years 3, 5, 7, or 9 after this date will need to be updated on the platform by the NAPLAN Co-ordinator. 


ACS Contact Please contact Briony Martin with any questions about NAPLAN.