Mission & Religious Education News

Welcome Back

Heavenly Father, I ask for Your peace as our students and all the skilled, helpful adults in our school embark on this journey. Today, as we take the first small step on the road of the new academic year, remind us of Jesus’s call for us to wash each other’s feet. As we grow together on this path, may we cast aside our pride and open our hearts and minds to you. May we seek ways to uplift each other. May we build Your kingdom together. Amen


Cornerstones is a micro qualification run through BBI-TAITE for ACS staff that is helpful in upskilling those working or intending to in the Religious Education space. It is a free qualification with time given each term for webinars and workshops to complete tasks.


To enrol or to continue your enrolment from last year, simply complete THIS FORM. 


Dates for Cornerstones this term (choose one) are March 14 or March 28.


As this is a BBI-TAITE course, not an ACS course, if you have any problems with the Zoom classes or the Blackboard site, please contact BBI directly. 

Jubilee Year

2025 is a Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church

A Jubilee Year is traditionally proclaimed by the Universal Church every 25 years. It is a particular year set aside to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, to repent of their sins and forgive the sins of others, and to renew a focus on spiritual life.

The theme is Pilgrims of Hope. Pope Francis has invited Catholics to renew our hope and discover a vision that can "restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone". We are also invited to rediscover a spirituality of God's creation in which we understand ourselves as "pilgrims on the earth" rather than masters of the world.


You will see this logo quite a bit this Year

The logo symbolises unity and fraternity among all of humanity, with four stylised figures from different corners of the earth embracing each other. The leading figure holds a cross, representing faith and hope. The rough waves beneath the figures symbolise life's challenges, emphasising the need for hope in difficult times. The elongated lower part of the cross forms an anchor, a well-known symbol of hope. This image depicts the pilgrimage as a communal journey towards the cross, which reaches out dynamically to offer presence and hope. 

New Staff Induction

New Staff to our schools and system are required to attend an induction day in Armidale. There are 3 dates throughout the year to ease the burden for schools with a number of new staff and to cater for those that join the diocese later. To register for these days, please liaise with your leadership team and complete THIS REGISTRATION FORM.

The dates for 2025 are:

  • February 26
  • September 4
  • October 23

BBI Twilight Online Professional Learning

Throughout the year BBI offers a number of courses that can be accessed online on a number of topics. These courses are available for individuals or exclusively for schools if they wish the whole staff PL in any of the topics offered. Courses available can be viewed here. These courses could also be offered to parents/ Guardians. Feel free to advertise them in your newsletter.

Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days


Tue 11      Our Lady of Lourdes  

Fri 14        Saints Cyril

Sat 15      Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary  

Mon 17   The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 

Fri 21       Saint Peter Damian

Sat 22     Saint Peter's Chair Feast

Thu 27    Saint Gregory of Narek