Student of the Week

To be presented at assembly on Friday 14th December 2025

1ANomination 1: Layla for kicking off the year with a bang!  She is demonstrating kindness, respect and responsibility in the classroom.  Keep it up, Layla! 
Nomination 2: Archer for making a lovely start to Year One.  Well done for coming into the classroom with a smile on your face ready to start the day!  I am so happy to have you in 1A!





Nomination 1: Logan for having a fantastic start to Year 1. You have shown our school values of being a Responsible Learner by trying your best and sharing what you know. Keep up the great effort!
Nomination 2:  Amber for having a great start to Year 1. We are so proud of how you are being independent each morning. It is wonderful to see you come in and put your things away and getting ready for your day. Keep up the great effort!
1CNomination 1: Ruhi for a fantastic start at GRPS. You are already showing our school values of being a Respectful, Responsible, Learner! Keep up the great work Ruhi!
Nomination 2: Henry for having a fantastic start to Year 1. You continually show our school values and give everything your best effort! Well done Henry.



Nomination 1: Riley for an excellent start to grade 1. You have settled in so well, showing our school values and being such a superstar classmate. Keep it up Riley!
Nomination 2: Remy for an excellent start at GRPS. You have settled in so well and are giving everything a go. Great job Remy!



Nomination 1: Juliet for a terrific start to grade 2. It has been so wonderful to see you settle into your new class and give all tasks a go. Keep up the amazing effort Juliet!
Nomination 2: Judah for bringing an enthusiastic mindset into grade 2. It’s so wonderful to see you asking questions about your learning and giving everything your best effort! Keep up the amazing work!




Nomination 1: Ashton Ritter for consistently demonstrating how to be a respectful listener within our classroom. You have made an excellent start to the year! Keep up the amazing work!
Nomination 2: Tucker Martin for consistently demonstrating responsibility and giving tasks a go. It has been wonderful to see you ready to learn each day. Keep it up! 



Nomination 1: Oliver - for continually demonstrating respectful listening in all areas of his learning. You are a pleasure to have in the classroom, keep it up!
Nomination 2:  Raven - for leading by example and having a go at difficult things. We are so lucky to have you in 2C this year!
2DNomination 1: Thomas  - for approaching everything with a positive attitude and being a kind and caring classmate.
Nomination 2: Sylvie - for taking risks in her learning and having a go at difficult things.
2ENomination 1:  Biak Hoih - for making such a positive start to Grade 2. You always come in with a smile and give everything your best!
Nomination 2:  Ayush - for making such a positive start to Grade 2. You always come in with a smile and give everything your best!



Nomination 1: Kayley: for starting the year with a big smile and a positive attitude.  You should be SO proud of yourself. 
Nomination 2: Yuvaan: for setting the tone of being a responsible and respectful learner at the beginning of the year.  You are going to love Grade 3. 
3BNomination 1: Tyden: For setting into 3B so well. You have been so brave, I am very proud of you!
Nomination 2: Lacey: For being such a responsible learner the past 2 weeks. Keep up the great work!



Nomination 1: Cohen H: For the fantastic start to the year, actively contributing to all things and trying your best to be the best version of yourself in all classes. I loved reading your narrative about the door.
Nomination 2: Chloe L for a fabulous start to year 3. You have brought your enthusiasm and joy to every class doing your best and making everyone feel welcome. Thank you for your hard work!



Nomination 1: Joseph for starting the year out strong. You always listen, show kindness to others and have put your best effort into everything. Keep up the amazing work!
Nomination 2:  Emily for your positive start to year 4. Your hard work, kindness and other ways you have shown our values does not go unnoticed. Well done!
4BNomination 1: Adele for a wonderful start to year 4. You have shown such a positive attitude towards school, friends and your learning tasks!
Nomination 2: Riley for his dedication to his work, setting himself up for a great year of learning. Every day you have shown you are a respectful, responsible learner!
4CNomination 1: Marlow for a fantastic start to GRPS. You are already showing our school values of being a Respectful, Responsible Learner. We are so lucky to have you 4C. Well done and keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Grace for settling in beautifully to GRPS. You enter the classroom each morning with a big smile on your face and give everything a go. We love having you in 4C. Well done and keep up the great work!
5ANomination 1: Alana for a great start at GRPS! We have loved having you in our class and look forward to spending the year together!
Nomination 2: Jack for always offering help when others need it. Your kind heart is a true asset! 



Nomination 1: Cameron - For showing yourself to be a great listener, being organised and for putting into action any suggestions for improving the quality of your work. Amazing start to the year!
Nomination 2: Elke - For making such a confident and positive start to your year at a new school. It has been amazing to see you make friends, work hard, communicate well and always have such a positive mindset.




Nomination 1: Nominated by 6A. Katie for contributing to class discussions with respect and always having such a positive attitude.
Nomination 2: Willem for making such valuable contributions to our class discussions. Your insight and knowledge are a valuable asset to our class.
6BNomination 1: Xander for a wonderful start to Year 6.  You have demonstrated maturity and amazing potential.  Keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Annie for demonstrating excellent role modelling behaviour and for showing me your academic potential.  Well done!
6CNomination 1: Heike - for being a great friend and welcoming the new students in our class.
Nomination 2: Jordy - for showing excellent stamina in our reading and writing sessions.  



Nomination 1: Harry (1A) For your active participation in your first Indonesian lesson of 2025. Bagus, Harry!!

Nomination 2: Rosalie (1A) For singing Indonesian greeting song beautifully and remembering colours in Indonesian! Bagus sekali!

Visual Arts 



Nomination 1: Nia (1C) You are a great learner who listens carefully to instructions and tries to do your best. You’ve made a great start to the year drawing a self portrait that clearly considered size and proportions. Great work Nia.
Nomination 2: Patrick (1A) You’ve made a great start to the year Patrick by listening well to instructions and focusing on the task to draw a really effective self portrait. Well done Patrick. 

Science & Technology



Nomination 1: Adon - For consistently being an exceptional role model in Science and Technology classes.
Nomination 2: Phoenix  - For your excellent focus and clarifying questions this week!


Please see the Team Kids page for the Team Kids Value Awards