The Fathering Project

Mental Health is just as important as 

Physical Health

Looking after your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Life gets busy. It can be easy to push feelings down, put others ahead of yourself and not prioritise your own mental health and wellbeing. This week is a reminder to take a step back and tune in to how you're feeling. Also tune in to those around you. Have you noticed a mate or family member becoming distant? Someone who is usually in good spirits not seeming like themselves?Check in. Ask the question. You never know when you could be changing a life.

Top Tips

1. You are not alone. Don't try to 'tough it out' on your own. Seek support from friends, family, a colleague or a healthcare professional. There is always someone to listen and empathise with you.

2. Deliberately identify the positives in your life. We all have our days, but try to focus on the positives and reflect this attitude to your loved ones.

3. Seek support if you feel you aren't coping. Don't think you have to do this alone, it takes strength to recognise something isn't right. 

Dad Joke of the Week!​​​​​​


"Albert Einstein was a genius. But his brother Frank was a monster."​​​​​​​​​​​






Being a Dad - the simple things!

There are many things that fathers can do in the midst of a busy life that make a difference in the lives of their children. It doesn’t take a huge amount of time and the busier you are, the more kids appreciate the time you spend with them. It makes them feel really special and valued that they’re worth your time.  

We know being a dad is challenging. It’s one of life’s most demanding, but most rewarding jobs. It’s the most important job you will have!

During the days where you might feel like you’re failing, or not doing enough for your kids, remember – what kids really need from their dad is simple.

At The Fathering Project we constantly refer to the BUS Principle. These are three simple things to remember:

Being there: Kids want to know that you will always be there for them, no matter what.

Unconditional love: Let your children know that they are loved, no matter what. Your love isn’t based on conditions.

Special: Your child needs to know they are special to you. Spend quality time with them, even if it’s just 10 quality minutes. Time spent together signals to your child that they matter.

Simple things you can do: 

  • Be there. Being there for your child is key. Through thick and thin – your child knows you will always show up.
  • Seek and value your kids’ opinions: Actively listen to their thoughts, feelings and opinions.
  • Laugh, have fun, be silly together: Having children means an opportunity to experience life through your child’s eyes.
  • Schedule Dad dates with your kids: It can be as simple as coming home early one day a week and taking the kids to the beach for an ice cream or if you have to travel with your job, try taking the kids one at a time.