From the Principal Team
2 Days to Go!
We are publishing this on Thursday and there are just 2 days until the Ringwood North Family Festival on Saturday October 21. We are thrilled to have so many people ready to join us on the day and the output from our Festival Committee and parent volunteers has been extraordinary.
See the Festival page for additional information and the final call for donations.
There are so many stalls, rides and activities for everyone to get involved in and the museums that will be located in the Junior Hub are full of fascinating things to explore from the school's history.
When the dust has settled we will do a proper thank you to all our helpers but in the meantime, suffice to say, we are extremely grateful for everyone's generosity, donations, time and sacrifices made to ensure this event is a success and a wonderful day for your children and a successful fundraiser to ensure a wonderful learning environment for your children.
If you haven't yet signed up to help with a stall, there are still volunteers needed. Go to: to sign up. You are welcome to sign up for a stall that is not your child's year level - at this stage all helpers are welcome.
Camp Adventures
Our Year 6 adventurers have been having an amazing time on camp in Warrnambool this week. The weather turned beautiful for them and they have been able to enjoy their 2 surfing lessons and various activities around the area. Having been on the camp myself the last 2 years, it's one of the best 'vibes' I've ever enjoyed on a school camp. With enough energy and activities to keep everyone connected but provide them with enough calm and personal space to appreciate the experience without feeling stressed, rushed or bored.
In recent years we have needed to make a few changes to the camping schedule. Many suppliers and activity- and accommodation-providers experienced difficulties during the COVID lockdowns, accompanied by the introduction in 2023 of time in lieu for staff attending camp, which has led to many schools cancelling or shortening camps, impacting the industry even further. For example, many of the previously interactive features on the Canberra camp have changed to be tours and talks only and one of our past accommodations has decided to prioritise a bed and breakfast business ahead of campers. We roll with the changes and keep looking for the best opportunities we can that meet our students' requirements.
Throughout this we have been committed to maintaining the camping program so that it remains consistent with our aims: to provide students with the opportunity to build resilience, independence and self-esteem while reconnecting with nature and learning about the world around them. We have not shortened, combined or cancelled any camps, but it is worth noting that this comes at great expense to the school and heavily impacts on us financially (as we try not to pass the costs onto families).
In 2024, our camping program, includes:
Prep - Breakfast at school
Year 1 - Dinner at school
Year 2 - Sleepover at school
Year 3 - 3 days at Camp Gundiwindi (Wandin)
Year 4 - 3 days at YMCA Lorne
Year 5 - 4 days at Sovereign Hill
Year 6 - 2 days at Camp Adanac (Warburton)
5 days at Warrnambool
The program we have previously run in Year 6 at Phillip Island has been changing the last few years and is no longer an option in its past form. Camp Adanac will include a bike ride along the rail trails in Warburton along with leadership and team-building activities.
We are excited about the introduction of the Lorne camp, providing us the opportunity to include coastal science topics and new activities for students in a beautiful environment.
Dates for these camps will be confirmed later this year but we wanted to share our plans with you early.
ICAS Certificates
More certificates have landed on Mrs Trend's desk and we look forward to celebrating the amazing efforts of those who participated. A special acknowledgement to the following students for receiving the following awards in the Science assessment:
Olivia Li
Frederick Appel
Caleb Lazar
Lync Cannatelli
Nellie Chen
Hannah Sell
Lucas Foletta-Smith
Livinia Billings
Adrian Liu
Alexander Srichumpoung
Claudia Bradbury
Maggie Shi
High Distinction
Zachary Hall 2BW
Congratulations to the following students for receiving the following awards in the Mathematics assessment:
Jensen Song
Alexander Srichumpoung
Chloe Davis
Ethan Tran
Emmett Britt
Olivia Li
Joelene Song
Frederick Appel
Adrian Liu
Lucas Zanini
Lync Cannatelli
Parker Johnston
Charlie Lamb
Iris Liu
Oliver Nixon
Seamus O'Rourke
Zach Stocker
Zachary Hall
Claudia Bradbury
Maggie Shi
Isaac Watson
Finally, we'd like to acknowledge the following students for their wonderful achievements on the Spelling Bee assessment:
Liyana Shibly
Claudia Bradbury
Nellie Chen
Adrian Liu
Maggie Shi
Addison Watson
Isaac Watson
High Distinction
Iris Liu
Students will receive their certificates for the above assessments this week, with those who achieved a Merit, Credit, Distinction or High Distinction being presented with theirs at assembly on Friday 27th October.
Parent requests 2024
See last week's newsletter for details.