Parents' Association - Trivia Night

Rebecca Haidar
President - Parents' Association
Trivia Night Triumph
After a three year hiatus due to Covid and Covid related restrictions, on Friday 18 August 2023, the BSC Parents' Association held the much anticipated 2023 Brunswick Secondary College Trivia Night.
Hosting approximately 200 parents, friends and staff of the school, the night was filled with amazing trivia by our brilliant Trivia Master Adrian, including a round of musical trivia courtesy of staff members Wendy Kenbeek and Dan Storer! Attendees enjoyed the selection of wines, beer and cider as well as non-alcoholic options available at the bar as well as games, music, a raffle, our Silent Auction and a dessert bar. The title of Trivia Champions was taken out by the table aptly named the "Know-It-Alls"!
The Trivia Night was a fantastic and fun event - and not only an occasion to bring the school community together. The event generated over $21,000 nett fundraising dollars to go towards the BSC Grounds Renewal Project - an unexpected and amazing outcome! A significant proportion of these funds was generated through the online Silent Auction, and the Parents' Association is extremely grateful to the many businesses, individuals and families that kindly donated products and/or services that were used as auction items, raffle prizes and trivia prizes.
Special mention must be made of the Nicholson, Lalor, Kane, Agnesi, Fischer and Parry families for their generous support of the event as well as to the Starc and Di Falco families for their contributions.
Events such as the Trivia Night rely on the unswerving support and enthusiasm of our parent community, and we extend our sincere thanks to the team of volunteers who assisted in organising the event - collecting auction items, stocking and manning the bar, selling raffle tickets, setting up tables and more. In particular, the Parents' Association thanks parent Adrian Threlfall (Matthew, Year 9) who volunteered his services as Trivia Master, and delivered a great social evening of fun and friendly competition.
It is the support of the wider parent community that is so important; making a positive and valuable impact on our fundraising efforts. These social connections are the lifeblood of our school and unite us as we aim to enhance the learning experience of every student at BSC.
Watch the video below and appreciate the many businesses and organisations that support Brunswick Secondary College. We encourage our community to return this support in kind, and when you do, be sure to tell them you are from BSC!