The 2023 WorldSkills Australia National Championships & Skills Show 

VCE Vocational Major

Sheridan Dinsdale

Teacher - VCAL


Year 12 BSC VCE Vocational Major students travelled to the Melbourne Convention Centre earlier this term to visit the 2023 WorldSkills Australia National Championships & Skills Show.

This excursion allowed students to learn, witness and try exciting new career pathways - all under one roof. 

At the event, students were able to investigate career pathways from over 120 education providers and employers.  Additionally, they were able to witness Australia's best apprentices and trainees compete in over 60 skills competitions!  As part of the event, students could even try out a wide range of skills and trades for themselves, getting 'hands-on' experience in their field of choice.


Leo Karabatos

Year 12 

VCE Vocational Major


We got to see people that are doing apprenticeships compete, and some of my friends were competing as electricians. 

I spoke to a member of the police force and found out It only takes four months to become a police officer, and you can apply as soon as you turn 18.

I also collected brochures about the fitness industry and spoke to a number of personal trainers about how to get into the field. Overall, I discovered there are a number of pathway options.


Sahra Nur

Year 12

VCE Vocational Major


At the VM WorldSkills and Victoria Careers Expo, we embarked on a journey of enlightenment! Our tour started at 11:45am and ended at 3 pm on the same day. 

This event introduced us to a multitude of diverse career opportunities. I found it fascinating to witness the dedication shown by individuals in their respective fields - like the chef’s cooking and decorating their plates, and bricklayers paving a path of bricks. Additionally, I discovered some new concepts that were completely new to me, which added an extra layer of intrigue to the experience. 

During the event, I spoke with various professionals, especially in areas such as nursing and aged care. I asked questions like, "What topics will the nursing course teach?" These interactions highlighted the educational aspects of the nursing profession... ... and have greatly contributed to my decision-making process by confirming my deep interest in the profession. 

Without a doubt, the highlight of the day was the opportunity to explore the many career paths and engage in meaningful conversations about them. This experience not only broadened my horizons but also strengthened my desire to embark on my nursing journey in the future. 

Bricklayers competition
Bakers Competition
Hospitality Competition
Carpentry Competition
So much to see
So much to do
Bricklayers competition
Bakers Competition
Hospitality Competition
Carpentry Competition
So much to see
So much to do