From the Head of Junior School

Today at Wentworth Falls we had Le Tour de Montagnes Bleues. This yearly bike race is nearly the big deal that they have with that bike race in France! The French themed costumes, hot chocolates and croissants, competitive racing and cheering (in French!) are all a wonderful way to celebrate French language and culture. Merci to Madame O’Hara for her organization and enthusiasm with this annual event.


Last Sunday four Tournament of Minds groups spent the entire day at UNSW to compete in the State finals. We are so proud of our two Primary teams, and two Secondary teams. They were outstanding. Great thanks to Dr Drew for leading these teams – she goes above and beyond to give our students opportunities that stretch their thinking and creativity. Thanks too to Mr Forbes, Mrs Van Gelderen and Mr Coote for coming along to celebrate our students. We are so very proud.


This week interested families toured the Junior School campuses, both at Springwood and in Wentworth Falls. They were amazed to see our teachers and students in action. Students were learning in a hands on way, students had agency and choice in their learning, they were outside/inside/in the atelier – all over the place, excited, stretched and engaged in what they were doing. And this was a NORMAL day – it’s just how we learn in the Junior School.


As we move into the last week of school, students in the Junior School are welcome to be wearing summer uniform. We’ve had some warm days and want the children to be comfortable. The ever popular all-weather jackets can be put away please! If children are cold in the mornings they can wear their blazers. The all-weather jackets are designed for our very coldest days when we need jumpers, blazer AND all-weather jackets, especially at Wentworth Falls.


Mrs Rachael J Newton

Head of Junior School