Mental Health & Wellbeing 

Day of Friendship at Buninyong Primary School. 

We are thrilled to announce an upcoming event that promises to be both fun and educational for our students. On Monday, October 16th, BPS will be participating in a Day of Friendship presented by URSTRONG. 


URSTRONG is a renowned program that focuses on teaching children valuable social and emotional skills. Tyson Greenwood (Director of URSTRONG Schools) will be running workshops via zoom and aiming to empowering our students with friendship skills + teaching them their unique “language of friendship” in these fun, online sessions. 

Special note to Prep to year 2 students: To make this workshop extra engaging, we kindly request that children in Prep to Year 2 bring in a soft toy or teddy to the online session. This will be a fun way to involve their favourite companions in the activities and discussions.


For more information check out the descriptions below of have a look at the URSTRONG website

Prep to Year 2 

Years 3 and 4

Years 5 and 6 

Optimistic October - Action for Happiness Monthly Calendar

Each month a new action calendar is released, packed with daily ideas for happier living. 


You may enjoy using this calendar with your family and participating in the daily actions to help you focus on what really matters.