School Leaders Report

On the 19th of October, our soon to be preps came for their first transition day. They collaborated, made some new friends and played games like puzzles, colouring, blocks and more. Our school captains, vice captains and grade 5/6 students helped our kindergarteners and were a friendly face for them. Their next transition day is Thursday 26th October, and we wish them the best.
Tate from Gisborne came to our school on Monday the 9th to talk to us about disabilities, how to treat people with disabilities and the challenges in life he has due to having a disability. Tate has Cerebral palsy and he explained to us all about it. We did fun challenges and learnt what things to say and not say to people with cerebral palsy and people with disabilities.
On the 16th of October the boys basketball team went to Craigieburn to play in the district basketball tournament. The boys team came second place winning four out of five games. Well done to all who participated and we hope our boys team has better luck next time. We also had our tennis team participating on Friday the 20th and we hope they do well.
From your School and Vice Captains