Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Harrison Arnup | For his never ending enthusiasm towards his learning | Ella Carlos |
PB | Poppi Raphael | For consistently pushing herself to try her best | Audrey Coleman |
PC | Hagan McDougall | For working hard towards his goal of finding the initial and end sound in words | Emma Holst |
1A | William Salh | For being a cooperative, caring and enthusiastic student who has an amazing knowledge of a wide range of topics | Harvey Isherwood |
1B | Ada Fitzpatrick | For always trying hard and demonstrating a positive attitude to learning | Ayden James |
1C | Charlie Sulzberger | For showing enthusiasm in solving sharing problems during Maths | Amos Ntahonkiriye |
2A | Fletcher Altham | For displaying improved traits as a learner, especially in writing | Logan Pitts |
2B | Daniel McClaren | For starting the school term determined to apply himself and complete all learning tasks | Madison Lobb |
2C | Oliver Butler | For being a learner in all curriculum areas and having an amazing start to Term 4 | Aiden Schilling |
3/4A | Jaxson Watson | For his efforts in class and producing great writing pieces | Aurora Phillips |
3B | Taj Singh | For being actively engaged in our Novel Study and deeply analysing character traits | Milla Bennett |
3C | Flynn Bennett | For becoming more responsible for his learning tasks, especially in reading | Dion Blanc |
4B | Charli Hart | For a great start to term 4 | Cooper Adam |
4C | Mia Papaevangelou | For settling into a new learning environment comfortably | Oliver Graham |
5A | Lily O’Doherty | For excellent persuasive speech writing and rehearsal | Amelia Gorman |
5B | Taylor Day | For showing persistence when writing and editing her Grade 6 Leadership Speech | Bronte Graf |
5C | Matthew Ellis | For working diligently on his Grade 6 Leadership Speech | Jake Barnard |
5/6D | Elsie Stevens | For taking on feedback and making improvements to her persuasive text | TJ Lambert |
6B | Jordyn Myers | For being efficient within learning time and completing all tasks to a high standard | Chanel Morgan |
6C | Tyler Considine | For asking questions and building his understanding in Maths | Sienna Duggan-Kenadjian |