Festival of Music 2023

Choir Performance

The Senior Choir has worked hard all year, learning 13 songs during our Friday rehearsal times and at home. We were working towards performing at the Festival of Music Concerts that are held each year in The Festival Theatre during Weeks 8 and 9 of Term 3. We were supported to learn the songs by our accompanist, Debbie Tsagatos, and by Heather McDonald who came in Term 3, while I was on Long Service Leave. Thanks also to the support team of Magill School staff, Kasey Thorne, Milda Fahey and Georgea Champion and also to our wonderful parent supporters who helped at the rehearsals with supervising. 


The choir attended their rehearsal at the Magic Millions in August, which was their first chance to sing with the student orchestra as a massed choir of hundreds of students from several different schools around the state. This is also when all the practices start to make sense, and the enormity of what they are going to do at the concert first hits them. It is suddenly all real!

Our concert was on the night of Saturday 23 September. The students were so well behaved and they sang beautifully. The concerts are always well organised and are spectacular to see. Their performance was a great success and our students had a truly memorable experience. Mrs Lawlor, Georgea and I were so proud of them as were their parents.


Thank you to all of the families of our Senior Choir members this year for your support and encouragement. Working with these wonderful students has been a pleasure. 


Parents of choir students, you can still order photos through the link below if you wish to.


Debbie Knott – Senior Choir teacher