Leadership Report

It's hard to believe we're at the end of another great term of learning at Magill School. There's been showcases of learning, camps, excursions and incursions across the school to provide meaningful and engaging experiences for all of our students. 


On Saturday, 23rd September, our senior choir performed on stage in front of a packed house at Festival Theatre. Each year, The Festival of Music brings together primary school choirs from across the state to present a showcase of singing, dancing and acting. The celebration on stage is a culmination of a year's worth of hard work, learning the songs and actions, and is a fantastic event to be a part of. Congratulations to all of our students who were part of the show on Saturday evening, as always, you represented yourselves and our school impeccably. A BIG thankyou to our Choir coordinator Debbie Knott who invests her time, energy and enthusiasm each and every year to provide this wonderful opportunity for our students. All the hard work, planning and organising that goes into the year truly pays off in the end.


After postponing a week due to wet weather, Wednesday provided us with a glorious day to round out our term with a fantastic Sports Day celebration. It was wonderful to see so many parents, grandparents, siblings and family friends here to share in the fun and competition of the day. Sports Day is the highlight of the school calendar for many of our students, and none more so than our Student Leadership Team, who shone as they lead their teams in friendly competition throughout the day. Before school meetings, designing chants and organising their teams for a successful day paid off as the day was a great success. Congratulations to FERGUSON team for winning the shield on the day!


You'd think a week with a choir performance and a sports day would be enough - but not for us! On Monday our Year 6 students held their annual Market Day as part of their curriculum learning program. Market Day is becoming a firm favourite for many in the school calendar, with opportunities to play games, purchase bracelets, bookmarks, popcorn and much more! This year one enterprising group decided to bring the show to Market Day, with their Sponge of Fury stall. Daring teachers and school leaders braved the arms of the students throwing the sponges, soaked with water. It was definitely a popular stall to spend some money on!

Some staffing updates for Term 4. Daniela Lawlor is taking leave for the term, and I will be stepping in the Deputy Principal role. Lisa Williams will be coming into the Leadership Team for 3 days a week to take on Assistant Principal duties in addition to her Autism Inclusion Teacher role, and Teena Nicholls will extend her time in N12 from 1 day a week to 4 days. We welcome Tina Kokolakis, who has been a regular face relieving across the school this year, into Junior Primary Science for 3 days a week to work with Schona Murray in providing this wonderful program for our Reception to Year 2 students.

In addition to this, we take great pleasure in announcing that Erica Teumohenga has been successful in retaining her role as Assistant Principal - Wellbeing. Erica's work here over the past 4 years has been impactful for students, staff and families, and we look forward to having her with us for many more years. 


Finally, on behalf of the Leadership Team here at Magill School, we want to wish everyone a very safe and happy holiday break over the next two weeks. Fingers crossed this wonderful weather holds out and you and your family are able to spend time in the outdoors, recharging batteries and getting ready for a busy and exciting Term 4 when we return on Monday 16th October.


Check out the latest version of Inside Magill



Kasey Thorne

Assistant Principal