Wellbeing News

There was lots happening in the wellbeing space as per usual during the last 2 weeks at MCC.
The Year 11 Wellbeing Committee have been busy working behind the scenes to finalised plans for their final activity for the year which they launched earlier this week. With thanks to headspace Griffith the team will be conducting a colour run for current year 11 and year 7 students later this month to celebrate the end of a significant "transition" year and to remind us to check in on our friends, family, classmates, teachers and ourselves by asking R U OK?
Students will make their way through a track which has engagement activities along the way to reinforce the 4-step process of asking if someone is ok and how to conduct follow up support. The message and the skills learnt during the activity reinforces the message to be mindful of checking not just on the national acknowledgement day each September, but whenever we have concerns for those around us. A simple question can make such a difference to someone’s day.
The committee are to be congratulated for all they have achieved this year not only within the school community but also their contribution on a local and national level. They have shown great enthusiasm, commitment and dedication for improving access to support and reducing the stigma associated with mental ill-health. I wish them all the best of luck as they enter into their final year of study here at MCC and congratulate the many team members who have risen to the challenge and accepted a position of responsibility within our student leadership team for 2025.
This week I was fortunate enough to spend some time with an enthusiastic group of year 10 students facilitating a “Mindfulness” session.
The students learnt about the origins of mindfulness and its impact on mind, body and spirit as well as the parallels to both silent meditation and prayer.
Students were to be congratulated for stepping outside their comfort zone and willing to try something different. They participated in a range of activities that demonstrated how simple mindfulness can be; and that as little as 90secs of mindfulness practiced periodically throughout the day can have a positive influence on their general wellbeing.
Initially we looked at the role of our own bodies production of the “Happiness Chemicals” dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins and how a deficiency of these can impact mood and wellbeing and how some simply activities increase the levels and promote happiness. The students learnt basic belly breathing techniques and how focusing on their 5 senses can promote calm. As a group we discussed a range of everyday activities that can be access as a form of mindfulness; including games, hobbies, art and craft.
Working in pairs the group ventured outside of the classroom to complete a nature scavenger hunt in our front garden area. The students had a specific list of items to search for with each item reflecting one of their senses. The activity provided the opportunity for students to be in the present moment and look at a space that they pass daily whilst at school but with a very diffent perspective.
Finally, we returned to the classroom where we completed a very familiar mindfulness activity, colouring-in whilst listening to Xavier Rudd’s song “Follow the Sun”. During this time students could reflect on the lyrics which reminded us all that time is forever changing, to be in the present moment, grateful for opportunities and with each new day brings a day of endless possabilities.
“Breath, breath in the air
Set your intentions
Dream with care
Tomorrow is a new day for everyone
A brand new moon, brand new sun”
The students demonstrated maturity, respect and enthusiasm completing all of the activities in a limited timeframe. It was a fantastic way to introduce another element of mental health to the students as it is the current year 10 students who will be invited very soon to submit an expression of interest if they wish to be part of the 2025 Wellbeing Committee and lead wellbeing and mental health initiatives at the school during 2025.
In our next newsletter we will have an update from our Year 10 girls who are currently working on the finer details of their empowerment initiative and photos and a report following our colour run.
Until then, take care and I leave you with the powerful words of Mother Theresa.
“Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin”.
Sue Hone
(Student Wellbeing Support Officer)