R U OK? Day
On Thursday 14th September we will be supporting R U OK? Day. We want to encourage everyone to connect and make asking “are you OK?” part of their every day.
On this day, we’re calling on everyone to think about who in their world might not be OK and encouraging you to make a moment meaningful and ask “are you OK?”. It is a conversation that could change a life - not just on September 14th, but any day it's needed.
To raise awareness on the day, we ask that students wear a ‘splash’ of yellow. This could be a yellow headband, yellow socks, or a yellow ribbon. We want everyone in our community to feel they can talk about how they’re really feeling and access support if they need it. R U OK? Day encourages all of us to have regular, meaningful conversations to support anyone struggling with life’s ups and downs. The earlier we genuinely and sincerely ask this question, help people talk about their troubles, and find appropriate support or professional help, the greater chance we have of stopping small problems from becoming bigger ones.
National charity R U OK? has developed resources that provide simple tips to help you know when someone might need some extra support, make a moment meaningful, ask “are you OK?”, and what to say if they’re not OK.
Are they really OK? Ask them today. Learn how at https://www.ruok.org.au/