This week we focused on celebrating our Year 12's through various activities during the week. 


Day 1 was filled with a bit of healthy competition.

Day 2 as part of the Year 12 cohort's 'rites of passage', we shared morning tea in a communal 'bring a plate' morning tea in the teacher's social staff room. Lots of food, laughs and shared memories were had by all who came. 

Day 3 the Year 12 cohort's celebrations we had a game of Dodgeball in the gym and after recess students left their mark on the Handprint Wall for prosperity. We also had a theme of 'Anything but a School Bag' today which saw some creative and some bizarre interpretations but all in the name of fun.

Day 4 was spent speaking with teachers as their classes wrapped up and asking them to sign some well wishes on their uniform.

Day 5 today as a whole school we celebrated our year 12 cohort acknowledging the 6 year journey that is secondary school.