Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear Parents and Friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
Welcome back to school after the holidays. I trust that you all had a wonderful time away from the school routine and could spend some quality time with your families.
The term has started off really well with everyone settling back in. It was so nice to see the children happy to return to school and excited for the last term of the year! We have a lot planned for Term 4 and I know it will fly by.
I have a special staffing announcment to make. Mr Liam Doherty has accepted a position as Catholic Identity and Religious Education consultant at DOSCEL from the beginning of 2024. This means that Liam will unfortunately leave St Agatha's. While this is sad news for us, I know that his deep knowledge and Catholic faith will be shared with all DOSCEL schools and this is a positive step in Liam's leadership journey.
We will have plenty of opportunity to wish Liam well later in the year. The new Deputy Principal position has been advertised and can be found on the school website at and on the CEVN website
In other news, our Year Six students surveyed parents at the end of last term to investigate reasons why parents may not be able to volunteer at the school. They did a fantastic job coming up with questions and analysing the results. I have attached a couple of the presentations that include recommendations. They will soon present their findings to the STAC and SAC groups later this term.
Last term we completed our School Review. As a result, we are beginning to plan for the next four year school improvement cycle. I would love parent input into this process. Parent Focus Groups are being organised to invite parents to provide their thoughts into what they would like for the students of St Agatha's school regarding Catholic Identity and Learning & Teaching. The dates for the parent focus group are Monday 16th October at 2:30-3:30pm and Thursday 19th October at 9:00am to 10:00am in the Hall. A letter of invite will be sent via PAM. Please register if you can come along to one of these sessions.
Our enrolments for Foundation 2024 are filling quickly. If you have a child starting school next year please contact the office asap. If you are moving away from St Agath's please let us know as soon as possible as we are beginning to organise our classes for next year.
We will have our first whole school assembly tomorrow afternoon at 2:30pm. Parents are most welcome.
Please don't forget that in Term 4 all students are required to wear their summer school hats. Students who do not wear their hats will need to sit under the shade sail between the Todd and McGuigan buildings. Thank you for your support in making St Agatha's a SunSmart school and looking after the health and wellbeing of our students!
Our Father,
You reveal yourself throught all time and in all places.
Increase our faith.
Help us to embrace your revelation in the world and to share this faith with others.
Through Christ our Lord.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle Bruitzman