Pupil of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:

Friday 13th October

Felicity (Foundation) - For always trying you best and completing your work with care. You should be proud of the effort you put in, well done!

Taha G (12A) - always trying his best and working to make daily improvements with his reading and writing. Keep up the great attitude and effort towards your learning. Proud of You !!!!  

John MH(12B) - For always looking out for others, in the classroom and in the playground. We love your heart to help and include your peers. Its amazing! 

Jack (34A) - For working hard on his addition and subtraction and answering comprehension questions in English. 

Lily (34B)- For your enthusiastic and interesting participation in class discussions. Your positive attitude towards learning is amazing! 

Sophie (34C) - For being an excellent role model in 3/4C. Sophie tries her Personal Best in every task, shows respect to all MPS students and staff, and is an all-round superstar! Great job, Sophie.

Callum H (56A)  - for a detailed and thoughtful response to the ideas in the book The Rabbits as the British invasion and the indigenous inhabitants of Australia. Great effort Callum!

 Sylvie A (56B) - for always being ready and willing to share her ideas, exemplifying quiet leadership, and setting a positive example for her peers. Well done Sylvie you are an exceptional role model. 



Friday 20th October

Teancum (Foundation) - For working hard in phonics to learn your letter sounds. Well done on showing great responsibility in your learning. Keep up the super effort!

Elliot T(12A) -  For the incredible job you have done working on your handwriting, it is so exciting to see your hard work, concentration and determination pay off. Keep up the great workand beautiful writing!!!

 Elliot F(12B) - For being so creative in persuasive writing. You came up with a hilariously entertaining reason why the pigeon shouldn't become rich. Keep up the creativity and great work!

Isabella (34A) - For her positive attitude and the amazing effort she puts into every task! You are Awesome Issy!

Jordy (34B)- For your positive and enthusiastic attitude in class. You are always keen to participate and contribute to class discussion.

Zephyr (34C) - For being a wonderful participant in class discussions. Zephyr shares his knowledge and experiences with his peers and is always happy to answer follow up questions. Great job Zephyr!

Annabel(56A)  -for completing an original and creative letter from the diggings about conditions and using an old fashioned font that suited the times. Awesome Annabel!

Ben R (56B) - for ongoing excellence both in his personal work and contributions to group discussions. Ben consistently delivers his personal best and is on track for a fantastic transition to highschool in 2024.