This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term Four, the final term for the year!
Congratulations to all footy teams and supporters for the exciting year and finals series.
Now for the exciting bit … Go Pies!!!
I was lucky enough to secure a ticket and witness the Grand Final. As we have done in the past I called the Premiership team’s supporters up to sing the song at assembly this morning and it was sung with great gusto!
We will have our full newsletter published next Monday, so here are a few comments, reminders and updates for now …
Thank you to the 107 families who took the time to complete the MACSSIS surveys last term. We will summarise and discuss the results at our SAC meeting and then present them to the wider community via the newsletter.
Staff & Student Update
We have a few staff away for the first few weeks due to either Long Service Leave, personal illness/surgery or family illness/surgery.
We welcome a few new students who are commencing this term in various levels across the school.
We have a few families who have indicated that their children are moving from St James next year. If you are moving and have not let me know, please do so this week. We currently have a waiting list for many levels.
We have commenced the process of employing staff for 2024 to replace our four staff departing on Maternity Leave in November/December this year.
Prep Information Session
Prep 2024 Parent Information Evening is next week, Tuesday 10 October 7pm - 9pm.
2024 Classes
We will commence working on class lists later in the term so any families who have specific requests for student placement for 2024 classes must either email me or make an appointment to discuss the specific learning or wellbeing needs of their children by the end of the month. This is not an opportunity to request to be in the same class as a friend nor an opportunity for teacher shopping.
Parish Fete News
Please see the attached Fete News and volunteer some of your time. As you will remember when you signed your children up to join St James, you committed to being part of our parish community which is a very rewarding experience. It is an expectation that all families give up some time to commit to helping at the fete. I know some workplaces provide a day of leave for volunteer work. Some parents may wish to consider taking this day on Friday 17th November to help with the Bump In, or Sat 18th Bump Out or even Sun 19th at the Clean up Working Bee. The Fete Committee are able to provide a volunteer certificate if required.
Referendum Day BBQ
Referendum Day is SATURDAY 14th OCTOBER and St James is once again will be a location for voting. We will be providing a BBQ for all those who visit our school to cast their vote and to raise money for our school. It is a great way to fundraise from the wider community. A very big thanks to Dan Savoia for once again volunteering to coordinate this.
He will need a lot of help on the day. There are 4 spots for each approx 2 hr session to fill:
8.45am to 11am - 4 people needed
11am to 1pm - 4 people needed
1pm to 3pm - FULL!
3pm to 5pm - 4 people needed
If you can help please sign up here:
Thanks, Kylie
St James Parent and Friends Association -
Farm News
We are looking for weekend chicken helpers for Term 4. If you are able to assist please contact Vic directly via email - Remember you get to keep the eggs you find.
School Uniform
Thank you to all our families for ensuring that your child is now wearing their summer uniform. As mentioned last term, hats are compulsory for students to wear this term. If your child requires a new hat, you can purchase this from our Admin office.
St James Community Footy Tipping Competition
A reminder that we have the second prize winner of our St James footy tipping competition still to collect their prize. We ask that the 'MYOSS' competitor could email the office for collection arrangements.
Have a great week.