T3 2023

2023 STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress 


The STEM Aboriginal Learner Congress is an exciting annual 2-day event for Aboriginal learners in Years 5 – 10, who attend a South Australian Department for Education school. The congress is a South Australian Department for Education initiative to engage and inspire the next generation of young Aboriginal scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians. The congress connects Aboriginal learners to STEM through a range of interactive and challenging STEM experiences designed to demonstrate that Aboriginal learners are powerful STEM learners and lead thinkers. 


The congress aims to increase Aboriginal learners' engagement and achievement in STEM related subjects at school and provide a broader understanding of future STEM career pathways. Attending Aboriginal learners, teachers and guests are expected to actively engage in critical thinking and inquiry-based learning. Connections to culture and STEM are integral to the design of the congress program. 


Two Year 6 students represented our school. They listened to speakers on STEM topics and participated in 3 workshops. Their favourite one was learning how to recognise different animals by their tracks and their ‘poo’. They then used clay to make examples of it. They also went to the Adelaide Botanical Gardens to meet Trent Hill, who spoke about different artefacts, then took us around the gardens to look at trees and shrubs and told us how the Kaurna people used them. 


Thukeri Dance Workshop


ATSI students in Year 1-5 and the Primary Special Class attended a workshop about the Dreaming story Thukeri. Sonya Rankine, an Aboriginal artist, told the students the story, then taught them movements to tell the story to music. Everyone had a great time and they were excellent representatives for out school. Check out the pictures below.


Nunga Tag


On Wednesday 27th September, in week 10, a group of Year 4-6 students will represent the school at the Southern Area Nunga Tag to be held at the Hackham Football Club. Check next term’s newsletter to see how we went.