Principal's Report

Creativity & Endeavour. Respect, Inclusion, Resilience

2025 Foundation Enrolments Now Open

The Department of Education has launched a new online enrolments portal that families with 2025 Foundation students can use to enrol students. Please speak to Luciana or Mel in the office if you have any questions about this system.


Early enrolment greatly helps our staffing and planning for 2025!

Curriculum Day - Restorative Practice

Today all staff have participated in a fantastic Professional Learning program run by Kristy Elliot from Restorative Pathways. Some of the aspects of Restorative Practice covered by Kristy included:

  • Understanding of the theoretical underpinnings and principles of restorative approaches to relationship management
  • Exploration of current mindsets around classroom management and the impact of re-framing behaviour
  • Promotion of whole school approaches to relationship management and the development of social/emotional capacity
  • Understanding of the neuro-science behind relationship management
  • Examining and practicing restorative skills and values
  • Exploration of current research in related fields
  • Exploring wellbeing science and its translation into the school context
  • Provision of a safe, supportive environment, conducive to exploring and role playing restorative approaches to harm
  • Examining how Positive Psychology supports a relational approach to discipline matters

Restorative Practices were implemented at Roberts McCubbin Primary School a little over ten years ago, with today's session being both a wonderful refresher for long-term staff, and also a great source of new knowledge and expertise for newer staff members.


Our day concluded with a focus on our School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support framework, reviewing how we are implementing our approaches to different categories of behaviour and examining how we explicitly teach and monitor behavioural needs and expectations of all students.


As always, thank you to our school community for supporting the professional learning of our staff. We acknowledge that curriculum days place a logistical burden on families and make every effort in scheduling for least impact wherever we can.








Peter Watson


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