Cohort News

"I alone cannot change the world, 

but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

— Mother Teresa

Year 7 Pastoral Care


Dear Parents and Guardians of Year 7,


As we reach the midpoint of Term 2, we have a lot of exciting news and updates to share with you. Here’s a quick overview of what’s been happening and what’s coming up for our Year 7 students:


Student Representatives

Congratulations to Charlee A, Ainsley S and Audrey S who are our Year 7 student council representatives. These students will be working with our College leaders on various initiatives and support the Year 7 Pastoral Care program. They will assist with running our weekly year meetings and share communications with their homeroom peers.


Assessment Task

Year 7 students are currently working on various assessment tasks in their subject areas. These may include in-class tasks or assignments to be submitted. Please take some time to check your daughter’s progress with her tasks and other coursework commitments. If you have any concerns, feel free to contact the classroom teacher for assistance. If your daughter is absent on the day an assessment task is due, please notify the classroom teacher and complete the Illness/Misadventure Form. The classroom teacher will coordinate with the Head of Department to arrange an alternative time or a new due date for the task.


Athletics Carnival

On Friday, the 17th of May, we held our annual Athletics Carnival. It was a fantastic day filled with competitive spirit, team camaraderie, and impressive athletic performances. Students participated enthusiastically in a variety of events, from sprints to long jumps, showcasing their talents and determination. Congratulations to all participants and an even bigger congratulations to our age champions Catherine S from Aquinas and Olivia K also from Aquinas. 



Our Year 7 debating team has been participating in the Catholic Schools Debating Association (CSDA) competition this term, showcasing their excellent critical thinking and public speaking skills. The team has demonstrated impressive teamwork and preparation, engaging in thought-provoking arguments on a variety of topics. We are proud of their dedication and the growth they have shown in their debating abilities. Congratulations to our debating team; Anais M, Shuang C, Eili C and Saoirse P who have won 3 out of 5 rounds so far. Keep up the great work, debaters!


Upcoming Dates and Events

  • Week 10 - Friday 5th July (Founders Day and last day of school term)

Thank you for your ongoing support. Please reach out if you have any wellbeing concerns. I look forward to sharing some more exciting updates with you soon.



Kathy Phetrasi

Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 8 Pastoral Care


Dear Parents and Students,


As we reach the midpoint of the term, it’s time to update you on what has been a busy and productive few weeks, and I'm excited to share some highlights and updates with you.


Year 8 Camden Valley Cow Excursion: A Memorable Experience!

Our Year 8 students recently enjoyed an exciting and educational excursion to Camden Valley. The visit to the cow farm provided a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about agricultural practices, animal care, and the importance of sustainability in farming not to mention gain a deeper understanding of where our milk comes from! The hands-on experience of interacting with the cows and understanding the farm operations firsthand was both fun and informative. It was delightful to see the students engage so enthusiastically and come away with a deeper appreciation for our rural heritage. Also of note was our visit to Belgenny Farm, home to the oldest farming buildings in Australia - a reminder of the significant architectural and industrial heritage surrounding our great city.




A Message to Address Behavioural Concerns


I want to inform you about a recent matter that I addressed with our Year 8 students. During a recent meeting, I spoke to the girls about the importance of maintaining respectful and inclusive behaviour towards their peers. This includes refraining from making any derogatory remarks or engaging in any form of discrimination based on ethnic background, religion, or any other personal attributes. Such behaviour goes against the values we uphold at Brigidine College and can have serious consequences.


We, at Brigidine, are committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for all students, and we take these matters very seriously. I appreciate your ongoing support in reinforcing these values at home and ensuring our school remains a welcoming place for everyone. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact the school.


Additionally, please pay particular attention to the notes on uniform that Mrs. Quirk has included in her most recent email to the school community sent on Sunday. Adhering to the uniform guidelines helps maintain a sense of unity and pride within our school.

Wishing you a lovely second half of the term,


Tom Inatey

Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator.


Year 9 Pastoral Care

Dear Year 9 Parents,


As we have officially made it through the majority of Term 2, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a few important notices.


Uniform Expectations

We would like to remind all parents and students about our uniform policy to ensure that all students present themselves in a manner that reflects the values and standards of Brigidine College. Please ensure that your daughter is wearing the correct uniform each day, including the appropriate footwear, accessories, and outerwear. All students should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The students are to be neat and well-groomed in appearance at all times.
  • The College blazer is always compulsory when the winter uniform is worn. This must be worn to and from the College.
  • Shoes are to be black, lace-ups (with low flat heels), and are to be regularly polished.
  • T-shirts, singlets, and any other item of undergarments are not to be visible at the neck of the blouse, or elsewhere.
  • Coloured nail polish is not to be worn with the uniform. Only clear nail polish is considered acceptable. Nails are to be short to medium length.
  • No fake or acrylic nails are deemed appropriate whilst at school.
  • Makeup - foundation, mascara, fake eyelashes, fake tan or bronzing products or similar - must not be worn with the uniform.
  • Jewellery - A student may wear:
    • one small plain gold or silver earring in each earlobe
    • a wrist watch
    • necklace: a small religious icon or cross on a thin chain worn inside the uniform and sitting below the uniform’s collar or top button
  • The College green school bag is the only bag permitted to and from school. College Tote bags can be used whilst moving to and from classes but not beyond the College.
  • No writing or graffiti is to appear on any item of the College Uniform.
  • Sport jackets are to be worn with the sport uniform.

We appreciate your support in maintaining the high standards of our school uniform.


Pastoral Care Lessons: Managing Mental Health and Stress Relief


In our commitment to the holistic development of our students, we have been focusing on mental health and stress management strategies in our Pastoral Care lessons. The well-being of our students is paramount, and these sessions are designed to equip them with the tools they need to navigate the challenges of adolescence.


Our recent lessons have covered:

  • Understanding Mental Health: Educating students on the importance of mental health, recognising signs of stress and anxiety, and understanding when a friend may not be okay.
  • Stress Relief Techniques: Practical strategies such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and time management skills to help students manage their academic and personal responsibilities more effectively.
  • Support Networks: Encouraging students to build and utilise support networks, including friends, family, teachers, and school counsellors.

We encourage you to engage in conversations with your daughter about these lessons and support her in implementing these strategies at home.

Thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration as we work together to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for our students.


Warm regards,


Rebecca Monohan

Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator



Year 10 Pastoral Care


Dear Parents/Guardians of Year 10 Students,

We hope this newsletter finds you well. As we progress through the academic year, we have several important updates and events to share with you.


Pastoral Care Lessons

This term, our Pastoral Care lessons are focusing on careers and future pathways. Students are engaging with the Allwell data to understand their strengths and areas for development, helping them make informed decisions about their future career paths. These sessions are designed to guide students in exploring various career options and to start thinking about the decisions they need to make for their future.


Subject Selection

As part of the transition into senior school, we are moving into the subject selection phase for Year 11. This process involves several steps:

  1. Recommendations: Teachers will provide recommendations for students based on a range of data, including academic performance and Allwell data.
  2. Initial Subject Choices: Students will make their initial subject choices based on these recommendations.
  3. 1:1 Interviews: In Week 9, students will have one-on-one interviews with Heads of Departments to discuss their choices and receive further guidance.
  4. Final Choices: Final subject choices will be made at the start of Term 3.

We encourage all students to take advantage of the resources and support available during this important decision-making process.


Canberra Excursion

We are excited about the upcoming Canberra excursion scheduled for Week 9, on Thursday, June 27th, and Friday, June 28th. This excursion is an excellent opportunity for students to engage with our nation’s capital and complement their studies with real-world experiences. The itinerary for the days is as follows:

Thursday, June 27th:

  • 7:15am Coaches depart school
  • Comfort stop and morning tea (all to bring own) along the way as required
  • 11:30 am Australian Institute of Sport – Tour & Sportex
  • 1:00 pm Lunch (all to bring own) at AIS

** Please note: The bus lists will be released closer to the event **

 Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3

Coach departs for National Museum of Australia


1:30pmCoach departs for Questacon1:30pmCoach departs for Questacon
2pmNational Museum of Australia – Meet the People – Facilitated Program2pmExplore Questacon Science Garden & Teacher Guided Tour2pmExplore Questacon Science Garden & Teacher guided tour
3pmCoach departs for Parliament House – Allow time to pass through security, students leave bags on coach and all adults must have photo identification4:15pmCoach departs for accommodation4:15pmCoach departs for accommodation
3:30pmParliament House - Hospitalities4:45pmArrive at accommodation and settle in4:45pmArrive at accommodation and settle in
4pmParliament House – Guided Tour6pmDinner5:15pmDinner
5pmCoach departs for accommodation7pmCoach departs Mount Stromlo Observatory6pmCoach departs Mount Stromlo Observatory
5:30pmArrive at accommodation and settle in7:30pmMount Stromlo Observatory – Facilitated Program6:30pmMount Stromlo Observatory – Facilitated Program
6pmDinner8:30pmCoach departs for accommodation 7:30pmCoach departs for accommodation
8pmCoach departs Mount Stromlo Observatory    
8:30pmMount Stromlo Observatory – Facilitated Program    
9:30pmCoach departs for accommodation     

Accommodation: Bush Capital Lodge - 191 Dryandra Street O’Connor ACT 2602

Friday, June 28th:

  • 7:00 am Breakfast / Collect lunch packs
 Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3
8:15amCoach departs for Australian War Memorial8:15amCoach departs for Australian War Memorial 8:15amCoach departs for National Museum of Australia

Australian War Memorial - Enter War Memorial through schools’ entrance for orientation.  Students will be apart of the 

“We Will Remember Them” – Facilitated Program


Australian War Memorial - Enter War Memorial through schools’ entrance for orientation. Students will be apart of the 

“We Will Remember Them” – Facilitated Program

9amNational Museum of Australia – Meet the People – Facilitated Program
10amCoach departs for Questacon10amAustralian War Memorial Explore the Sculpture Garden 10amCoach departs for Parliament House – Allow time to pass through security, students leave bags on coach and all adults must have photo identification
10:30amExplore Questacon Science Garden 10:30amCoach departs for National Museum of Australia10:30amParliament House - Hospitalities & Guided tour
10:45amQuestacon – Teacher Guided Tour11amNational Museum of Australia – Meet the People – Facilitated Program12pmLunch (packs provided) on the Lawns of Parliament House
12:45pmLunch (packs provided) at Reconciliation Place (500m – 5 min walk)12pmCoach departs for Parliament House  & Lunch (packs provided) on the Lawns of Parliament House12:30pmCoach departs for Australian War Memorial
1pmExplore on foot Reconciliation Place, International Flag Display & Australians of the Year Walk (2km round trip)12:45pmParliament House – Allow time to pass through security, students leave bags on coach and all adults must have photo identification TBA

Australian War Memorial - Enter War Memorial through schools’ entrance for orientation.  Students will be apart of the 

“We Will Remember Them” – Facilitated Program

  1pmParliament House – Guided Tour  

2:00pm Coach departs for school Comfort stop along the way as required 

6:00 pm Approx. arrival back at school 

We look forward to a productive and enjoyable trip and expect all students to participate actively and responsibly.




Assessments and Leave

  • If a student is going to be away for a holiday they must complete an Exemption from Attendance form. (going on holidays is not a reason to receive an extention- so these will not be granted if requested for holiday leave). 
  • This must be completed at least 4 weeks before they take leave.This information is in the assessment handbook also). 
  • These forms ask students to speak with each of their teachers and the teacher will list the work and any assessments they may miss. 
  • The student and parents need to sign this before taking this form to the Pastoral Care Coordinator to sign. 
  • It will then be given to the front office for Ms Quirk to sign. Ms Quirk will not sign off on this if it is not completed, which will result in a 0 mark for the student. 
  • You can also find the QR code and instructions of how to complete this form on page 12 of the student diary. 


BCR Summary of Missed Work Form


Please note: 

If a student is away during an assessment task-

  • Hand in tasks must be handed in beforehand or submitted electronically on the due date by 8:45 am. 
  • Tests must be completed before they go- during the Wednesday afternoon catch up session. If they are missing multiple tests, they need to sit tasks on multiple Wednesdays.
  • Students will NOT be permitted to sit a test after they return. If they have not sat the test before they go, they will receive zero.



Upcoming Dates to Remember:

  • Week 9 26th of June: Subject Selection Interviews
  • Week 9 , 27th and 28th of June: Canberra Excursion
  • Start of Term 3: Final Subject Choices


Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education.


Nikki McWhirter

Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 11 Pastoral Care

Dear Year 11 Students and Parents,

As we move further into the school year, I am delighted to share some highlights and upcoming events that have been shaping and will continue to shape our Year 11 experience at Brigidine College Randwick.


HSC and Careers Expo 2024

Last week, our Year 11 cohort had the opportunity to attend the HSC and Careers Expo 2024 held at the Randwick Racecourse. The event was a remarkable success, providing students with valuable insights into their future educational and career pathways. Our students engaged enthusiastically with the various stalls and presentations, asking insightful questions and collecting information that will undoubtedly aid in their HSC preparations and career decisions.


I am incredibly proud to report that our students exhibited exemplary behaviour throughout the event. Their curiosity, respect, and maturity were noted by the exhibitors and organisers, and they represented Brigidine College Randwick with distinction. Well done, Year 11!


Year 11 Retreat: A Time for Reflection and Growth

A reminder of the upcoming Year 11 Retreat, this will take place from June 26th to June 29th during Week 9. The retreat is designed to offer students a break from the regular academic routine, allowing them to reflect on their personal and spiritual growth. It will be a time for bonding, self-discovery, and relaxation in a supportive environment. More information regarding the schedule, location, and activities will be provided shortly. 


Kings Birthday Long Weekend

This Friday 7th June is a pupil free day and we also have the King's Birthday on Monday 10th, so please enjoy the long weekend, I hope everyone takes this opportunity to rest and rejuvenate. It's a perfect time to unwind and spend quality time with family and friends. Whether you’re catching up on your favourite hobbies, enjoying the outdoors, or simply relaxing at home, make sure to take full advantage of this well-deserved break.


In closing, I would like to commend our Year 11 students for their continued hard work and dedication. Let’s keep up the momentum as we move through Term 2.


Should you have any questions or need further information regarding the upcoming events, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Enjoy the long weekend, stay safe, and return refreshed and ready for the exciting weeks ahead!


Warm regards,


Tony Munguia

Year 11 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 12 Pastoral Care


Year 12 Careers Expo at Randwick Racecourse

Last Thursday, our Year 12 students had the exciting opportunity to attend the Careers Expo held at Randwick Racecourse. This event provided our students with valuable information and insights into a wide range of post-school careers. Students engaged with representatives from universities, TAFEs, and various industries, gaining a clearer understanding of the diverse pathways available to them after graduation.


The expo was an eye-opening experience, helping students to explore their interests and aspirations while equipping them with knowledge about the qualifications and skills required for different career paths. Many students reported feeling more informed and inspired about their future choices.


To build on this momentum, we are pleased to announce that later in the term, we will be hosting a Careers Seminar. This seminar will feature guest speakers from various professions who will share their career journeys and offer advice to our students. It promises to be an enriching follow-up to the expo, providing further guidance and inspiration as our Year 12 students plan their futures.


Gentle Reminders:

Uniform Policy: We would like to remind all students about our uniform policy. Please note that woollen jumpers are not to be worn with the sports uniform. It is important to adhere to the college’s dress code to maintain a consistent and professional appearance.


Behaviour on Buses: Additionally, we remind students to be mindful of their behaviour on buses. When in college uniform, students are representatives of the college. It is essential to conduct oneself with respect and courtesy at all times, reflecting the values and standards of our institution.


Thank you for your attention to these matters. Let's continue to uphold the high standards of our college community.



Jon Campbell

Year 12 Pastoral Care Coordinator