Curriculum & Data

"Curriculum should help children make deeper and fuller understanding of their own experience." 

—  Lilian Katz


Year 11 and 12 reports have now been issued, with Year 7-10 reports following later this term. Our dedicated staff at Brigidine have spent countless hours ensuring these reports provide accurate and valuable insights into your daughter’s learning progress. We encourage you to review the report with your daughter, reflect on her achievements, and discuss areas for growth.


Digital Detox: Finding Balance in a Tech-Driven World

In today’s tech-savvy world, digital devices have become indispensable. However, the constant connectivity can sometimes disrupt our students' study habits and daily lives. Research indicates that younger generations are spending less time outdoors, opting instead for online entertainment.


Do Our Students Need a Digital Detox?

A digital detox aims to filter out negative digital interactions, helping us reconnect with real life. Benefits include reduced stress, improved focus, and more time for other activities. Here are some tips to help your daughter embark on a digital detox:

  1. Think and Plan: Identify specific areas where digital usage is impacting her negatively. Set clear goals, like limiting phone use to one hour per day.
  2. Communicate with Friends and Family: Let them know about the digital detox plan. They can support your daughter and help reduce the pressure to respond immediately.
  3. Track Your Usage: Awareness is key. Use Apple’s screen time tracker or apps like Cold Turkey to monitor and limit screen time.
  4. Turn Off Notifications: Disable notifications to avoid the constant urge to check the phone.

Being mindful of technology use is the first step toward making positive changes. Encourage your daughter to undertake a digital detox, maybe enjoy the benefits together!

By taking these steps, we can help our students develop healthier relationships with technology and foster a more balanced lifestyle. Let's all strive for a harmonious blend of digital and real-world experiences!



Source: http://



Trish Smith

Director of Curriculum and Data