Faith, Mission 

& Identity

"Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received"

— 1 Peter 4:10

                                                             2024 College Liturgical Theme

Staff Spirituality Day


Our recent Staff Spirituality Day was a meaningful opportunity for personal and professional growth, fostering a deeper connection with our faith and community. It was an essential opportunity for our staff to reconnect with their spiritual roots, build community, and enhance their understanding of our Charism.


This year, we focused on the inspiring history of St. Brigid and the Brigidines. St. Brigid of Kildare was renowned for her compassion and leadership. Her legacy of hospitality, generosity, and commitment to education and the poor continues to guide and inspire the Brigidine Sisters today.


Learning about St. Brigid’s life and the enduring mission of the Brigidines helped us appreciate the profound impact of their work on our educational values and practices. The Staff Spirituality Day reinforced our commitment to fostering a faith-filled environment at Brigidine College.


2024 Vinnies Winter Appeal

Last week, we launched our 2024 Vinnies Winter Appeal. 



This year's Winter Appeal focuses on the working homeless, an emerging group facing housing hardship and disadvantage despite employment. Our school's donations will support the Redfern Support Centre, following the merger with the Kingsford location.


Yrs 7, 8 & 9 have been allocated the following food items to donate:

  • Soup/cup noodles 
  • Tea, Coffee, Hot chocolate or Milo
  • ​Marshmallows/biscuits
  • Non-perishable, tinned meals
  • Mac and Cheese
  • Kraft cheddar block
  • Long-life milk
  • Muesli bars/oats
  • Weetbix/Cornflakes
  • Sugar
  • Cooking oil
  • Pet food


Yrs 10, 11 & 12 have been allocated the following personal care items to donate:

  • Shampoo/Conditioner
  • Body Wash/Soap
  • ​Body Lotion
  • Tissues
  • Towels
  • Lip Balm
  • Torches
  • Butter Menthols/Eucalyptus Drops
  • Sleeping Bags
  • Yoga Mats
  • Plastic Ponchos
  • Fold-up Umbrella
  • Blow-up Mattress


Donation collection boxes are located in St Anne's. Please place donations in the box allocated to your College House. 


Please keep the following in mind for material donations:


  • To uphold the dignity of recipients, ensure all food items are non-perishable, undamaged, and not set to expire within the next six (6) months.
  • Choose packaged food with a Health Star Rating of 3.5 or higher—the more stars, the better!

College Fortnightly Mass


Our fortnightly mass schedule for Term 2 is as follows:

  • Friday 14 June
  • Friday 28 June 

Mass begins at 8:00am and all parents and students are welcome to join us in St Anne’s (onsite at Brigidine College). Please be seated by 7:55am for an 8:00am start. 


Celebrating Mary’s Month of May with the Rosary


We held a special Rosary event each morning during Week 5 in St. Anne’s to honour Mary's Month of May. This event provided an opportunity for reflection and prayer, emphasising the Rosary's importance in Catholic tradition.


Each day focused on a different Mystery:

Monday: Joyful Mysteries

Tuesday: Sorrowful Mysteries

Wednesday: Glorious Mysteries

Thursday: Luminous Mysteries


The Rosary holds significant historical and spiritual value for Catholics. It is a form of prayer used to meditate on Christ's life and the Virgin Mary's intercession. Each set of Mysteries—Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous—invites the faithful to reflect on key events in the lives of Jesus and Mary, fostering a deeper connection to their faith.


This event not only celebrated Mary but also reinforced the enduring tradition of the Rosary, which is a cornerstone of Catholic devotional life.


The 10:10 Project

On Monday, May 20, ten Year 10 students, accompanied by Mrs Atlamaz, participated in the 10:10 Project at Good Samaritan Catholic College, Hinchinbrook. The day's theme was inspired by the Scripture passage John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


Based on Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, the program aimed to teach students about their purpose, worth, and respectful relationships through the lens of authentic, self-sacrificial love. The day featured live music, food, opportunities for discussion, social time and prayer.


It was a fulfilling and enjoyable day for all who participated, offering valuable insights and experiences aligned with their faith.


Jamie Lee Wood

Director of Religious Education & Mission