Assistant Principal's


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 

— Aristotle

Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Learning Survey


As we continue to focus on school effectiveness, we are excited to announce that our College will be participating in the Tell Them From Me® (TTFM®) online survey. This survey aims to gather valuable feedback from parents, staff, and students about school life, engagement levels, and staff interactions. 


The survey is used by schools across Australia and around the world to improve their practices. We encourage all staff, parents, and students to take the time to participate in this survey, which will be available over the next few weeks.


All students will complete the survey during morning Pastoral Care.  All participants will be provided with a random username and password to ensure complete anonymity. 


Parents can access the parent survey via the following link:


The Tell Them from Me Survey provides our College with important feedback and data so we can ensure that our community is working together to meet the needs of your daughter.



A Reminder of Behaviour on Buses


A reminder that all students are required to “tap on” and “tap off” when travelling on public buses. This provides data on how many students use the services and may indicate that some services are underutilised. 


Students must follow all regulations when travelling between home and school using public transport. The Student Code of Conduct can be downloaded here. I ask that you take the time to discuss the following expectations with your daughters. 


Behaviour on buses

  • Use appropriate language 
  • Feet on seats is not permitted
  • No eating or drinking (other than water) - unless for medical reasons 
  • Offer seats to adults including people with a disability, elderly or expectant mothers
  • Do not push or shove other people
  • Do not bully or harass other passengers or the driver
  • Avoid attracting the attention of the driver except in the case of emergency
  • Do not play music at such volume that it may distract the bus driver or other passengers.

Safety on and near buses

  • Obey reasonable directions from the driver (for example, where to sit or to remain in the bus)
  • Remain in your seat - do not move around the bus unnecessarily
  • If standing, remain behind the front passenger seat and always keep a secure hand hold
  • Keep bags and other items clear of the aisle
  • Do not allow any part of your body to protrude out of the bus at any time
  • Wait for the bus in a quiet and orderly manner - including at bus interchanges
  • Stand away from the roadside until the bus comes to a complete stop
  • Allow other passengers to leave the bus before stepping onto the bus in a single line
  • Wait until the bus stops before moving to get off the bus at your designated stop
  • Cross the road where and when it's safe to do so, use crossings/traffic lights where available.

Legal considerations on buses

  • Wear the seat belt properly adjusted and fastened, if one is available
  • Ensure that buses are not vandalised - report any damage, graffiti and window etching, to the driver
  • Do not interfere with bus property, equipment and signage
  • Do not leave rubbish on the bus, or at bus stops or interchanges.


Julie Norman

Assistant Principal