Visual Arts News

News from the Art Room


Mindful May in the Art Room


We talk a lot about what mindfulness is but not so much about how we are practicing it in our everyday lives. This month is Mindful May and in the art room we are exploring various ways that we can be mindful by using our creative minds and our senses. Currently, we are using plasticine and various forms of clay to create our own underwater animals. The students are enjoying this sensory exercise and, while techniques vary in complexity depending on the year levels, it is an effective way for children to focus on their present task without distractions. 


Mindfulness is focusing your complete attention on what’s happening right now. It’s also letting your thoughts and worries come and go without judgment.


Some further Mindful May Art Ideas


Colour Your Breath


Continuous Line Drawings


Smiling Mind 

National Reconciliation Week


In the coming weeks, we take a short break from production preparation and we will turn our attention to National Reconciliation Week. This year’s theme is ‘Now More Than Ever’. We will be looking at carefully selected stories, including ‘Welcome to Country’ by Bronwyn Bancroft and exploring the Acknowledgement of Country through learning about the Eastern Kulin Seasonal Calendar and the current Waring Wombat season.

Production Updates 

Thank you to all those families that have donated pool noodles. We now have enough of these and appreciate the contributions. Please remember to send along a named hat to your classroom teacher as soon as possible so we can get started on costumes for the school production.


I will be organising a parent working bee on a Wednesday morning from 8:45-10am late this term. I will advise of the date shortly and I would really appreciate the help of any parents that are available. Jobs will include painting sets, set construction and some costume preparation.




Mrs Jen Brown

Performing Arts Teacher