Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
A huge thanks to the St. Patrick's P & F for an amazing school disco on Friday evening last week. The evening was a lot of fun for all of the students! Special thanks to Mr Daidone who was our resident DJ for breaking out the awesome tunes all night, and my sincere thanks go to all staff who attended the event as well. Thank you to the many parents who helped with serving snacks, setting up and packing up the hall and for supervising the children as well. There were a lot of happy (and tired) customers by the end of the evening.
First Communion
Please keep our Year 3 Students in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist next week on 4th June - Sacrament of First Eucharist - 5pm and 6:30pm. Thanks also to Mrs Earle who has prepared the school choir to sing at these masses.
Healthy Hut Dinner Orders
The Healthy Hut now has a dinner menu available. Please see further in the newsletter for this exciting new service. The available dinner list includes:
- Beef Lasagne
- Gluten Free Beef Lasagne
- Chicken Pasta Curry Salad
- Fried Rice
- Homemade Chicken Tenderloins
- Homemade Gnocchi Napoli
- Roasted Mixed Vegetables
DINNER FOR YOU are available for pick up Thursdays at 3pm from the canteen , orders need to be placed by Tuesday 2 pm online
Please add any special comments and a phone number when ordering so the canteen can contact you. Orders available online.
Sushi is now available on Thursday's menu.
Please make sure you have ordered by Wednesday for Thursday's lunch orders
P & F Casino Evening
Get ready for a fun filled evening on Friday 14th June! Our amazing P & F is holding an event for adults only in the school hall. Please see the attached flier for more details.
Book Here:
Casino night information movie HERE
School Reports - New nForma Portal
The St Patrick’s School reports will again be accessed electronically from Friday 21st June 2024. nForma has since been updated and there is now a new way to log in and access your child/ren’s report. There will be instructions sent out via Audiri on how to create an account and log into the new nForma Parent Portal.
The Portal is best accessed via a computer however a mobile app is currently being developed and should be released soon.
Parent/Teacher Exchange
The next round of Parent/Teacher exchanges will occur on Monday 24th June and Wednesday 26th June in the school hall. The booking link will be sent out to families on Tuesday 11th June via Audiri. Please note that if you have PSG meetings or Enhancement meetings for your child they take the place of the Parent/Teacher exchange meeting. Additional booking links will be sent out for these meetings.
New School Website
The new school website is up and running, check it out HERE. There are many new features available on our website including: new enrolment procedures, a 360 degree tour of the school, updated parish and school information.
We warmly welcome our newest Students - Emelia S (Year 1) and Dallan D (Year 2) - to the St. Patricks Community. We hope you have had an awesome first few weeks of school. We have an additional 4 new students starting at St. Patrick's next term.
We also welcome Miss Sarah Crough who will be joining us as the Year 3 replacement teacher in Year 3EP starting next term. As communicated in previous newsletters - Mrs Eloise Pearson will be going on maternity leave at the start of Term 3.
School Calendar
Please use the following google link to add the school calendar to your own calendar for ease of information exchange. School Google Calendar HERE.
Please note there will not be a newsletter next week (Thursday 6th June) due to the school closure days on Thursday and Friday. There will also be no assembly in Week 9 (Monday 10th June) due to the Kings Birthday public Holiday.
God Bless,
Pat Berlingeri