New Campus Update
Parent/Carer Morning Tea - Thursday 30th May at 10:30am
New Campus Update
Parent/Carer Morning Tea - Thursday 30th May at 10:30am
Verney Road School is currently building a new campus which will house our Junior School (primary age students and our Early Education Unit students).
Our existing campus will be our Senior School campus (years 7 - 12) until Stage 2 funding is received and the whole school moves to the new site on Parkside Drive (previously Wanganui Park Secondary College).
Verney Road School sits on the lands of the Yorta Yorta and Bangarang traditional owners. In 2023, the Verney Road School Council approved a motion to rename the entire school in readiness for the new campus (Junior School) opening at the start of 2025, in local languages.
Following consultation three names have been identified and are consistent in both Bangerang and Yorta Yorta languages.
A survey has been sent out to families via Seesaw to have your say & vote on our new school name. Click the link for the Family survey here: survey
On Thursday we welcomed parents and carers to join us for a chat & a coffee to discuss progress on the new campus build and our new school name. This drop-in session will also be held next week, Thursday 30th May. Devices will be set up to allow our families without internet access to have their say in our 'Renaming Verney Road School' survey.