Rector's Report

Greetings!  What a busy and enjoyable time we had as a Mazenod community last week. Our Mothers and Carers gathered in a packed college chapel on Thursday morning for the annual celebration of the Eucharist followed by an enjoyable breakfast and catchup. On Friday evening we again gathered with our mothers and carers for the Mother’s Day dinner at the Mulgrave Country Club. It was great to see many of our mums meeting new friends and enjoying each other’s company. Thank you to all who supported these important events, our staff who organized them, and to our sponsors of the evening. 


The Parents and Friends organised a rosary bead making session with 14 people gathering to make rosaries for our Year 7, 2025 cohort and a get-to-know-you chat. The next evening will be held on Monday May 20 at 7.00pm at the College. All are invited to attend.


On Thursday May 9 I attend the Police Academy at Glen Waverley for an in-service for volunteer Police chaplains. The day finished with witnessing the graduation ceremony of new police officers.

Musical Production Progress

Many thanks to the staff and students who are giving of their time and talents on Sunday afternoons to create the sets and props for our approaching musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. If you have some free time after 1.00pm on a Sunday, why not join them in the Provence Centre underground car park. As they say: Many hands make light work. We also appreciate the staff and students who are directing and practicing their singing and dance routines for the musical. There is a great atmosphere of enjoyment and excitement amongst them all as the various parts come together. 

Mothers and Carers Celebration of the Eucharist

Founder's Day

On Friday May 17 we will celebrate Founder’s Day, the day when we remember the entry of St Eugene de Mazenod into eternal life. The actual date of his feast is May 21, 1861. St Eugene was the founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. The celebration of the Eucharist will be in the Provence Centre at 11.00am. I will give a report of this event in the next newsletter. 

2024 The Year of Prayer

In preparation for the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has asked that this year of 2024 be “a year dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer in one’s personal life, in the life of the Church, and in the world”.


The third prayer tradition I want to focus on is meditation. 


3: Meditation: When we meditate, we are silent and still, relaxed yet focused, as we talk to God and listen. We become conscious of both our breathing and posture as we talk calmly to God, as though he were a close friend. So, for this fortnight, we encourage you to try meditating for several minutes each day. Find a quiet place, the bedroom, the garden, the church. Select your mantra (e.g. Come Holy Spirit or Speak to me, word of God). As your week pans out, extend your time in meditation and hopefully you will find a calmness and ease in talking and listening to God.

Some handy tips!! 





Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate

Fr Harry Dyer OMI