Year 6
Hello from 6P
Year 6
Hello from 6P
During Term 2, 6P have been learning all about the Eureka Stockade in preparation for our camp to Sovereign Hill. We have read the novel ‘The Night They Stormed Eureka’ by Jackie French, learnt about the conditions on the gold fields that led to the uprising and creation of the Eureka Stockade.
The students then used their newfound knowledge to create a timeline and story board on the events that took place at the Stockade. They went through each scene and wrote a script for each scene detailing the information that took place.
Groups of students then started making and filming a stop motion animation using play dough, Lego pieces, paddle pop sticks and toothpicks. It has been a very engaging experience and the groups have had an exciting time being creative and sharing their historical knowledge.