Class Learning Prep SV

This week has marked a milestone for our preps as we had our first camp experience! As part of the school’s Outdoor Education program, the preps got a taste of camp life. In the morning we made tents, and cut up fruit for afternoon tea and veggies for dinner. In the afternoon we headed out to Kew Traffic School where we practised our road safety skills.
Once back at school, we changed into our pyjamas and settled in for a movie and delicious pasta dinner that we made ourselves! The day was jam packed with fun camp activities that made for a great first camp experience.
In literacy, we have been exploring narratives. We have looked at the characters, settings and plots that make up some of our favourite classic stories such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
In numeracy the preps have started looking at Australian coins. We have been paying close attention to the features of each coin in order to help us remember the names and values of them.