Principal's Report

First I would like to thank Mrs Ann Dwyer and Mrs Evelyn Baulch for stepping into the Acting Principal and Acting Assistant Principal roles during my recent time away during week 3, 4 and 5. It is hard to believe we are now at the end of week 7 and preparing for transition, end of year celebrations, and planning for 2025.
On behalf of the school community I would like to congratulate Shannon Dillon (Grade 5) who was recently married to Tim. We wish them all the best for a wonderful future together.
We also farewelled Ms Jodie Abbott (Grade 2) and Ms Jess Turland Rhook (Grade 6) last week. We wish them both well as they prepare for the arrival of their babies.
This week we were excited to welcome our Foundation 2025 children to their first transition session. Preparing for school is such an important milestone and I want to thank our Foundation teachers Mrs Sally Kilpatrick, Ms Kimberley Leach and Ms Georgia Thomas for their time and commitment so we are well prepared for their transition. Our priority is connection and building relationships with our Foundation students and their families.
This week I am also sending home information about our safety blitz. Our teachers have been teaching expected behaviours about road safety, entering and exiting school grounds safely and stranger danger. Please read the information carefully and make a commitment to play your role in keeping our whole school community safe.
Next Tuesday we will have a photographer at school to film our 2025 school promotion material (photos and video). If your preference is for your child not to be filmed or photographed for our school website, please notify the office by COB Monday. If you have already completed a ‘no media’ consent form, we will not include your child in the footage, unless you advise us otherwise.
The Colour Run is also next week. Please find our schedule and safety information attached to the Colour Run info. We are very excited to bring the community together and celebrate 2024!
Transition 2024-2025
Transitioning to a new year level can be an exciting, yet challenging time for children of all ages. Such transitions often bring a mix of anticipation and anxiety, making it crucial for parents/caregivers and teachers to offer the right support so children feel secure and confident in their new environment. Preparing for this transition can help ease anxiety and set the stage for a positive school experience. Along with our transition program and preparation at school, we want to support families with discussions you can be having at home.
Successfully navigating a school transition can set a positive tone for your child’s educational journey.
Start preparing early. Preparation is key when it comes to school transitions. Discuss the changes that will occur – new teachers, new class groups, new classroom spaces, play areas.
Engage in open communication with your child. Talk about their feelings and concerns regarding the transition. This will help them feel secure and understood.
Encourage your child to express their feelings and concerns. Let them know that it’s normal to feel anxious or excited during these times.
Foster a positive attitude towards the new year level. Highlight the exciting aspects such as new friends, activities, and learning opportunities.
All children in every year level will participate in a transition day with their new teacher and new class group on Tuesday 10th December. Information regarding your classroom teacher will be sent home on Monday 9th December.
Our junior year levels are already making regular visits to their new learning areas for next year, to increase familiarity and comfort in their new spaces.
Please reach out to your classroom teacher, Mrs Ann Dwyer, Kerry McCarthy or myself if you have any additional concerns or questions regarding transition to next year.