
Our BRIDGE partnership with SMPN20 Singkawang has once again been lucky enough to secure an Honorary Lighthouse Grant. This grant is funded by the Australian Government through the Lighthouse Partnership Program, which is part of the Australia-Indonesia BRIDGE School Partnerships Program.
With our partner school we have agreed to have a sustainability focus. SMPN20 will be investigating a local program to protect turtles in their region and we will be looking at how to improve our local waterways. It is hoped this project will include studies across science, humanities, faith education and languages. These projects align with the UN Sustainability goals of Clean Water and Sanitation and Life Under Water.
We also congratulate the following Year 10’s for completing their VCE VET Certificate II in Applied Languages (Indonesian); Brianna, Phoebe, Evelyn, Felix, Melhoney and Melrose. These students have worked hard over the last 2 years to improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in both social and workplace settings. We have also had some fun watching movies, eating at Asian restaurants and discussing the relationship between Indonesia and Australia. Congratulations to all!
Angela Molinaro