Primary Arts

This term the Junior Primary students have focused on the elements and principles of texture, colour, shape, space, pattern, variety and balance.
The Year 1/2’s have focused on their sewing, cutting and designing skills in the area of textiles. They created a flower design on hessian from felt, buttons and wool. These look amazing and showcase the skills they have learnt in this area. They had to learn how to thread a needle, tie knots and do a running stitch before they started their creations. The students showed patience and resilience when learning these skills as they are so intricate.
Foundation students created interesting effects using forces in art by pushing and pulling paint with implements including marbles, sponges and combs. They practised their tracing, cutting and glueing skills to create a vase of flowers on a table using the above elements and principles of art.
We are moving onto clay now. The students are enjoying creating through the moulding of this medium. Watch this space!
Kerrie Royals
Junior Primary Visual Art Teacher
Jodie Neilson
Art Technician
This term, students in Years 3 and 5 have dedicated time to learning various clay sculpting techniques.
Year 3 students crafted beautiful little pinch pots and explored a decorative method known as sgraffito. They painted their pots with underglaze and used tools to scratch away the colour, revealing the clay underneath. These pieces were then completed with a clear glossy glaze and fired.
Meanwhile, Year 5 students focused on creating coil pots by first forming a flat base and then rolling and attaching long coils of clay to build the walls of their pots. Many students utilised the joining techniques they learned to add extra details to their creations.
It has been wonderful to see the remarkable creativity and skill demonstrated by all the students throughout this process.
Natasha Brown
Primary Art