Year 11 2025 Booklists, Edrolo and HeadStart
Now that subjects and the timetable have been finalised, all Year 10 students who are moving into Year 11 in 2025 will receive a hard copy of the VCE booklist and letter from Edrolo (the online learning system) on Friday this week. These documents will also be sent home to parents via email over the weekend. Teachers use Edrolo in specific VCE subjects in Year 11 and a list of these subjects can be found at the end of the booklist. While instructions for purchasing your subscription is contained in the letter that will be sent home.
Parents are asked to please read through the booklist carefully, as some texts may be available to purchase second hand from current Year 11 students, while others will not as they are required for the Year 12 courses. Families are invited to use the stationery listed in each subject as a guide as to what their child needs for next year and should not feel obliged to purchase every item from Campion.
Year 10 Exams will be running from Monday 18th – Friday 22nd November and the following week, Year 11 Head Start begins (Monday 25th – Friday 29th November). All Yr 10 students will move into their 2025 courses and subjects (VCE and VCE VM) and will complete introductory work for 2025. Students will not be required to have textbooks or resources with them, but will need basic items such as their computer, exercise books or paper and their pencil cases. Students who are enrolled in subjects using Edrolo will have complimentary access to this resource for the period of HeadStart, but once this is over, it is then up to families to sign up and pay their subscriptions by the due dates in order for students to have continued access to this resource.
It is an expectation that students are in the correct uniform each day, behave appropriately, and complete the set class work and homework they will inevitably receive (including holiday homework). Students who are not continuing at St Mary’s in 2025 do not need to attend HeadStart.
Please feel free to contact myself or the Office if you have any questions or concerns about any of this information.
Many thanks.
Simone McLaughlin