Parents & Friends Assoc.

The Parents & Friends Association are holding a "That’s Alotta Donuts" Fundraiser for Term 4.
All families have seen sent an email with the order form attached.
Payments and order forms can be returned with correct CASH, or via our EFTPOS terminal up until the 3/12/2024.
The P & F will set up inside the High Street entrance to collect orders every morning from 8.20am-8.50am until the 3/12/24.
Please select the type and number of boxes you wish to purchase and return completed form with payment by TUESDAY 3/12/24.
Boxes will be available for collection at the High Street enterance on 7/12/2024 from 9am till 11am
If you are unable to collect your order on 7/12/2024 ,
please phone Megan on 0415-151- 474 to make alternative arrangements.