From the Library

...📚 Library Book Returns
As the end of the year rapidly approaches, this is a 'Call Out' 🔊from the Library to all students and families to do a thorough 'Recon' for St Mary's College Library books.
Here are some of 'hiding places' students have named as possible locations of those elusive, missing, hard to find books:
School bags, desks and lockers (on top of and under); toy boxes and family book shelves (remember the ones at Nan and Pop's, and other homes you may visit regularly, very high/low shelves, under beds, under car seats, car boots and consoles; your siblings' rooms and other rooms in your house, and any other place that only dust bunnies, buttons single socks, marbles and lost pencils inhabit.
There is absolutely no shame in returning a lost library book, no matter how much your puppy has mauled it, your baby sister has decorated it with her favourite fruit drink, or even how overdue! We will welcome all 'prodigal orphans' back into the fold at the Library. In fact, there will be an AWARD for 'The Most Overdue Prodigal Orphan Returned to SMC Library in 2024'.
📚 On another note... Scholastic Book Club Issue #8 - last one for the year! is out now. Please return orders by the 2nd of December 2024.
P.S. We are still waiting on orders to arrive from Issue #7. We'll let you know as soon as they arrive.
Lorna Hooper , Linda Heveren