Junior School

Year 1
Year 1 love to share the good news of Jesus, and have been working creatively to help others know that the wonderful celebration of Christmas is all about Jesus. They have enjoyed creating artwork, acrostics, Christmas gift boxes and baking biscuits.
"Our time in Year 1 has been the best and we have learned more than we could ever have imagined. We can now spell big words and know what a digraph is. We can write sentences using capital letters and know a question needs a question mark.
We have learned to read and can do this by ourselves. One of the best things we did was Heggerty’s. Our Assembly’s have been a highlight and we love learning about Jesus. We do lots of fun things and we have learned how to do tricky things too like some of our Maths challenges. We are so clever that we can do take away sums!
Many of us have enjoyed art and craft activities like weaving. It has been lots of fun. We have enjoyed all of our excursions and have had a good time with Mrs Snook and Mrs Tucker". - By Year 1
Kerry Snook & Lyndell Tucker
Year 1 Teachers
Year 2
It is hard to believe how close we are to the end of the year! For their final class reward, the Year 2's had a blast at their surprise disco party last week. Students had a dance-off, played with glow sticks and best of all, had fun.
As we have been revising topics, the class practised their procedure writing by producing a recipe for how to make playdough, and then followed their recipe. We ended up with lots of fun coloured playdough. When revising informational writing, the Year 2's blew me away with their amazing computer skill progress as they independently researched and recorded information about a country of their choosing.
Finally, as Christmas approaches, we have been getting into the festive spirit by creating some excellent artwork and crafts! We are certainly soaking up the last few moments that we have in Year 2!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 4
On Monday 25th November, Year 4 to 6 went on an exciting excursion which was famously known as the Boot n Scoot. Since it was the Year 4's first Boot n Scoot we found the experience was a unique adventure. We loved having fun on the grass and playgrounds. Afterwards we went on the bus all very tired with full tummies. A wonderful experience to remember and cherish.
Grace M & Adrian P
Year 4 Students
Year 5
Year 5 have had a lot of fun coming into these last few weeks of the year. We have been very busy rehearsing for Junior School Presentation Evening as well as doing some great learning.
In Maths we did a fun activity that involved drawing a Pac-Man map and using Pac-Man to demonstrate flip, turn and slide when learning about location and transformation.
We also had a great excursion for Year 4 - 6, scooting and walking down to Lake Pertobe. They then had a great time playing on the playground, eating fish and chips, and enjoying each other’s company.
This week we went on our Sovereign Hill camp, where we loved panning for gold, trying old school cursive writing, bowling, and eating lots of yummy food. Everyone had a great time and we are looking forward to sharing our experiences with our families.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Year 6
Year 6 have had a very exciting last two weeks. We are planning our graduation party and our last session with our Prep Buddies. We are also finishing up final assessments and projects. The photos below are of our final Art creations. We had to sculpt a mini scene out of clay. We could choose from Christmas, Underwater or a Garden scene. Mrs Robertson is very proud of what we came up with and we hope you enjoy them too.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher
Junior Gideon Program
What an incredible year in the Junior Gideon class! I am so proud of all our amazing students! We say goodbye to our Year 3 students as they move into Year 4 and start their next chapter. What impressive growth they have shown over the year! I know they will all thrive and continue to succeed in 2025. I pray you all have a safe and wonderful holiday, Christmas and New Year!
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26 NIV
Steph Kosh
Junior School Gideon Teacher