Early Learning

The children in the Possum Group have been playing in a post office dramatic play area lately, writing cards and letters to each other, family members, and some lucky teachers!
Each of the Possum children wrote a letter to someone else in the group. Then we walked all the way down Garden St to the postbox at the end. We had to cross lots of roads! Children worked with partners to find items on a scavenger hunt. The most exciting find was Shaun the Sheep, until we ticked off the last item on our list, which was a Zooper Dooper back at Kinder!
Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who came with us on our walk to help keep us safe, crossing lots of driveways and roads. After this big walk, we were very surprised and impressed with Australia Post when some children received their surprise letter from a friend the very next day! Children came back to Kinder excited to share who their letter had been from, and to thank their friends. We thought all of our letters had arrived, and then the whole group got a surprise letter from Parliament House!
It was Tanya Plibersek, replying to our letter and pictures sharing our compassion and concern for Indian Vultures. Due to the emergent curriculum used in early childhood, we truly never know where the children's learning will take us! Tanya Plibersek shared her commitment to no new extinctions here in Australia, which the Possum group were happy to hear about.
She also explained that countries have meetings together where they discuss ideas and solutions to protect animals and plants of all shapes and sizes, so our planet stays healthy. The Possum group thought this was very cool, and some of them think they might be attending some of these meetings in the future. The most exciting part of the letter was that Tanya Plibersek drew us a Vulture, saying thank you for caring!
We are made in the image of our Creator God, and the Possum children have been showing this creativity in so many different forms all year. We also admire, respect and love God's creation, and want to do what we can to help care for it.
Children, including young children, are citizens. The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) recognises the importance of children connecting with people and place, being effective social communicators and using skills to access information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking.
Beth Bennett
Head of Early Learning