Mr David Whewell | Principal

2025 Staffing

Our 2025 staffing profile is nearly complete. Teachers and support staff will find out their role for next year at tonight’s staff meeting. Student class lists have now been finalised. 


Thank you to the parents who shared any important information that helps our team create balanced classes for the year. Students will be informed of their new class teacher on Monday 16th December via a letter that will be sent home with them at the end of the day.


Adverse Weather

As is commonly the case in Melbourne, our weather lately has been very unpredictable. In just the last fortnight alone we have had students in at break times due to excessive rain and for excessive heat. Please be confident that our senior staff will make a call on whether students go outside based on the best interests of our students. 


On hot days, we have noticed the canteen is extremely busy and at times even I, as the Principal, jump in to assist with sales. It is a great learning experience for students to bring a small wallet or purse and pay for items they purchase, whilst ensuring they wait for the correct change. I’m sure you, like I, am aware how lucky we are to have this canteen service available five days per week. If I can give you a personal tip, the nachos are very tasty!


Monday Fun Day

It is a Plenty Parklands tradition that on the final Monday of the school year, all students and staff celebrate a successful year of learning with an excursion. We have 7 excursions planned. Can I please ask that students are at school on time on this day so that they do not miss their bus. If you have chosen for your child not to attend and you are keeping them home on that day, please notify your child’s classroom teacher in advance. 


Whether your child is going swimming, watching a movie at IMAX or heading out to the chocolate factory, I trust they will enjoy this day, which is a culmination of all their hard work. Thank you in advance to the many parent helpers who are attending on the day, as without you, we would not be able to hold such an event.



At the time of writing, we are pleased to announce the majority of staff are returning for 2025. We have currently been notified that only one teacher is leaving the school. Mr. Thomas Stubberfield and his young family are relocating to Wangaratta, where they have purchased a new home. Whilst we are very sad to share this news, now is the time to celebrate the outstanding contribution Mr. Stubberfield has made to our community.  

Not only has Mr. Stubberfield been an engaging music teacher for our children, he has also made a major impact through his running of our school choir, overseeing our school bands, organising the PPPS talent show, and the integral part that he played in our whole school productions. I personally will miss the excellent work he has done with our students presenting at our fortnightly school assemblies. 


Upcoming Events

As we move into the last two weeks of school, we have a number of important events happening across the school listed below:


  • Thursday 12th December – 2025 Preps Meet the Teacher
  • Friday 13th December – Moving Day
  • Monday 16th December – Fun Day
  • Tuesday 17th December – Year 1 to Year 6 Meet the Teacher
  • Wednesday 18th December – Year 6 Presentation
  • Thursday 19th December – Whole School Assembly
  • Friday 20th December – Last Day of School – 1:30pm Finish

  David Whewell | Principal