OSHC & Vacation Care 

Our Current Hillsmeade OSHC will offer Vacation Care from 20-24th January and Pupil Free Day Care on Tuesday 28th January. Bookings are open in Xplor.

Current OSHC enrolments and bookings do not roll over into 2025


TeamKids-Our new OSHC provider


We had a great turnout for the parent info session.

If any parents were unable to attend but would like to know more, they can watch the recording here: https://teamholiday-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/brody_h_teamkids_com_au/EVBLAZ4m1h9EuBqRbA2WRuEBamrvWAR8q18UAtYeWiLtTA

To enrol online for Team Kids, you can start here;  https://www.teamkids.com.au/venues/hillsmeade-primary-oshc/




Dear Hillsmeade Primary School Families,              


As we continue to refine and enhance the programs and opportunities we provide for our students and families, we have just concluded a thorough tender process to review the Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC) program at our school.


As a result of this process, we are pleased to announce the appointment of TeamKids as our OSHC provider. 

TeamKids will commence with Before and After School Care, in Term 1 on Wednesday 29th of January 2025.


We are confident that the partnership that we now have with TeamKids will benefit all students and families at our school.


There will be a lot of information provided and engagement events to learn about TeamKids, such as a Parent Information Session and Free Coffee Morning, so keep an eye out for future notifications.


Service, Parent Fees & Times





Before School Care

7:00am – 8:45am

$19.50 ^


After School Care

3:15pm – 6:00pm

$21.00 ^


Curriculum Days

7:00am – 6:00pm

$60.00 ^


Vacation Care

7:00am – 6:00pm

$60.00 ^


^These fees will be significantly reduced when the family’s eligibility for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is applied to the total cost of the day. Families will only be charged the “Gap” after their CCS is applied. Individual family circumstances will affect the CCS rebate. Further information can be found at www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/child-care-subsidy.



TeamKids are proud to be independently owned and run by teachers. 

Unique to the industry, TeamKids will employ a qualified full-time co-ordinator, known as a Director of Service, at our school. They will be supported by a full-time 2IC, which will help to assure the highest quality service for our students.

The Director of Service has two overarching responsibilities, and that is to: 

  1. Implement age-appropriate experiences that are engaging and fun, but also create learning environments that are warm, unique and stimulating, a place where children don’t have to go, they want to go. 
  2. Ensure consistency of staff, provide an exemplary level of communication with the children and parents and build a strong, genuine relationship with the school and the broader community. 


In addition to this, TeamKids have set a new standard in the OSHC space in their offerings that:

  • Build parental and student confidence through the quality of outstanding programs and communication.
  • Create child–led programs that enrich and extend the children in meaningful ways as their TeamKids Clubs. 
  • Establish long-lasting relationships with our school by having complete community engagement, enhancing what already makes our school special.
  • Provide industry-leading educator-to-student ratios

Further information will be supplied in the coming weeks with information events to be announced and family handbooks supplied to all members of the community.


All families will need to register for free with TeamKids. 

If you have not used TeamKids before then you will need to register your child and add your bookings. 

Please go to the website www.teamkids.com.au and select the program and follow the enrolment instructions.

If you have used TeamKids before, please contact their Customer Service Team and they will link your account. You will then just need to add your desired bookings. 

TeamKids’ local Customer Service team is always there to help. Please contact their Customer Service team via email info@teamkids.com.au or phone 1300 035 000, press #1 if you have any questions.


Yours faithfully,



Linda Buckeridge                              Shiona Watson

Principal                                               Director ELC and OSHC